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Everything posted by Prehax

  1. the Idea with trails; I like it but this should be something worth 500~ coins :3
  2. Soo I just watched it and well let me explain a few things PRO is a fanmade game so there is no company behind PRO, just regular players who do their work for free without a payment in their freetime. The Staff Options don't work for us players. Please cut the swearing out; as a viewer it's really annoying and doesn't follow the calm sound of your voice. You are not allowed to talk in chats in the first 30-60 minutes, that's why you couldn't use the emotes. Charmander as a Starter wasn't the best choice, make sure to catch a Poliwag in Route 22 at nigth so you actually have a chance against Brook. Other than those points mentioned; I enjoyed watching it and of course liked/subbed your channel; keep up the work. :Shy:
  3. No this is not possible but you can trade them to your account.
  4. Hello KostasPist, are you playing on the same server with that account, if so it is possible otherwise it is not since all three servers have different databases meaning that you can't transfer items/cash/pokemon from e.g Red to Blue.
  5. Sorry I have to inform you but you know staffs are players as well, they have to play/grind/trade money as well if they want to buy stuff in-game.
  6. Did you check if you have the Pokedex data, you don't have to beat Moltres or anything, just starting the fight should be enough to get the dex entry, if it's not and Moltres is still missing then wait for a CS/Admin to take care of it. :)
  7. Re: ♦ Auctions ♦ Leafeon/Miltank ♦ [added Leafeon 4/7/17] <t>bump~</t>
  8. Re: ♦ ShinyCloneXmasShop ♦ [Wailord/Ambipom/Houndoom/more ~ 4/27/17] <t>bump ~</t>
  9. Re: ♦ Coin/ItemShop ♦ MS's+items/Lifeorbs ♦ [big overhaul/new prices - 4/27/17] <t>bump ~</t>
  10. +1 lovely idea, I had a ton of those trades already and it is really annoying; would be sorta a helpful addition
  11. Prehax

    My Maps

    Re: Newbie's 2nd Map <r><QUOTE author="Frux" post_id="375577" time="1492477450" user_id="213263"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Ay I found my first attempt LOL but it's horrible XD<br/> <br/> <SPOILER><s> </e></SPOILER></r>
  12. Hello Bellal, you skipped the fight with Moltres, so you dc'd during the fight or what?
  13. Cookie lady :heart: Farewell o/
  14. As I said it takes time for a staff member to reply; in the end those guys are just humans too with IRL's; I suggest to bump it every 24 hours and wait for a reply. :)
  15. Hello MicFelix1, first of all this isn't the right place to talk about bans/appeals and such things; regarding your quesiton thought > it takes a bit of time for a staff to answer; make sure to bump (bring up my post) every 24hours. As there is nothing you can do besides waiting. :D
  16. Re: ♦ PokeShop ♦ 32 PVP ready Poke ♦ [you decide the price - 4/24/17] <r><QUOTE author="IkiHiyori" post_id="378435" time="1493205029" user_id="1157913"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> again please offer :) and read the first post</r>
  17. I would love it when you read what I wrote in my earlier posts, there is currently a progress going on to make sure that we get another chance for our failed sync legendary. Thor #1 Thor #2
  18. As I said; it's a bad idea. The legendary pokemon are rewards for completing the dex/having a lot of hours and spending a lot of time for them; why would it be fair to buy them; makes legit 0 sense to me.
  19. Hello EmperorRyuga, I am not quite sure what you are suggesting but I assume you want to make legendary pokemon trade-able and make all of them good? I can assure you that neither of those things will happen. The "set stats/nature" is explained by Thor in one of the recent suggestions As for the trading legendary part; simple no. I didn't finish 210 evolves and caught data of three regions to get all 3 legendary pokemon + a long quests just for some guy (who spents 5$) to get the same or even a better result. As for the "bad nature/ivs" part; Thor mentioned that someone is currently working on a solution that will please us as players. :)
  20. You wait 21 days and fight him again. :)
  21. Hello hexatones, as for the game freezing and crashing, this happened because you run away countless times without refreshing your backpack; you can solve that problem by clicking every 5-10 minutes on the backpack icon in the side to let it refresh. :) As for the pokeballs; I never heard of loosing items after "a crash" and then having a few left; sounds pretty odd to me but a staff has to check this out; so wait for one. :P
  22. I assume you have to finish the quest or talk to the NPC again (not sure if he gives you the pokeballs back).
  23. Nice to see that an1ma :3
  24. Lovely introduction o/ welcome to PRO :3
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