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Everything posted by Silverage

  1. Tangrowth & Quagsire sold
  2. 1m8 by Sirfetch EDIT : That's for tangrowth, forgot to precise
  3. c.o 1m6, add 15mins again
  4. tang 1m4, 15min rules apply
  5. Quasire 1m1 by Kin3
  6. Hi, I'm auctioning thie poke : Lucario jolly max speed : SOLD
  7. 1m1 beedrill
  8. Start gardevoir
  9. Hi, I'll take the 100k shiny chingling
  10. SilverAge Gold France GMT+2
  11. 2m9 (money is on Silverhn)
  12. Start
  13. Hi, I want to buy the 150k pancham please
  14. FROM GOLD (To make sure the 3pkmn rule is followed, consider only empo shieldon & chansey, the rest is for flex purpose only) Shiny OT gang Event OT WALL PVP OT Monters Maybe you didn't see but they're all OT BONUS (cuz i like flexing)
  15. Hello, At the moment there is no tutor to learn air cutter to any pokemon and it is the only way to learn it to Honchkrow. Thus, is it possible to add one? Thanks
  16. Why do you want them to faint? Aren't they your friends? More seriously, how does waiting 1min is boring when hunting a pokemon takes way longer? I believe adding an item to faint the pokemon isn't going the way the game is supposed to be
  17. S.O lowered, bump
  18. Hi, I'll buy magneton lumineon and bronzor for 260k
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