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Everything posted by Kasperkato

  1. Username: KasperKato Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Italy/GMT+1
  2. close the thread, i resolved. ty and sry
  3. I bought a Yoshi Mount on shop with coins, but i doesn't find it in my bag. I tried to relog and also restart the client, but i doesn't find yet. I used a CC that i bought by my friend for 400k. So, i lost my money, or you can try anything? I didn't screen nothing, but i hope that you have my money tracking or anything else that can confirm my transations. Ty for the support.
  4. -ferroseed/ferrothorn brave 20+ivs (spd<10) iron barbs regular
  5. same problem, so i used a lot of pp-up for nothing? i max every move on my pkmns and now i should repeat all pp-up for this bug?
  6. Yes, it's hp ground. When you're ready write me on discord. KasperKato#4275
  7. Toothless lost Outrage tutor's service?
  8. 90 seconds is perfect. People should be more patient when they do PvP battles.
  9. @Allsmell i'm so sorry for the delay my bro,can you write me on discord when you're online? KasperKato#4275
  10. :v <3 love you guys, have a good day
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