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Everything posted by Kfseth

  1. WTS these good pokemons. The auction of each poke will start when someone start bid, ea auction will last for 2 days. CC=400k,ivs rr=700k HP fighting S.O 250K ,min bid 50k insta 550k. S.O 700k ,min bid 100k insta 2.2m.(SOLD) S.O 600k, min bid 100k insta 1.7m HP ice S.O 700K ,min bid 100k insta 3m(SOLD) Good luck.
  2. Auction end sold to lavaqui. Ty for your purchase.
  3. from the time i reply is now 10hrs 28min left
  4. start offer 600k, Minimum bid 50k, Insta 3m. CC=380k,Ivs reroll=750k Auction will start after 1st bid and this auction will last for 2 days(48hrs). Good luck.
  5. Sold to last bidder Iamtanu. Thank you for your pruchase.
  6. S.O=1m Minimum Bid=100k Insta 6m Auction will start for 2 days(48hours) after first offer. Accept CC(380k),Ivs Reroll(750k) Good luck.
  7. Sold to m4dson for 11.4m, auction closed.
  8. start bid : 5m 72hrs from first bid minimum raise : 400k insta : 25m accept cc = 400k ,ivs rr = 600k
  9. Hi ,I using windows 8.1 and i downloaded the app but cant run it dk why
  10. cool!! nice stuff XD
  11. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>Red server, come my luck!!!</t>
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