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Everything posted by Kfseth

  1. Auction last 2 days(48hours) after start offer. Auction run seperately depend on start offer. (Added klefki at 12pm gmt+8 DEC 28th.) Accept cc 400k, rr 500k. SOLD (S.o 100k) C.o 690k by Farcholarga min bid 50k insta 2m https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4733660/klefki
  2. can be close
  3. hasty lucario sold to @Deadhunters traded with his alt
  4. ada lucario sold to @Ravan01
  5. up 13min left
  6. @Deadhunters
  7. @Wingedsteed
  8. by @Ravan01
  9. @Alfonsojose started hasty luca and bid 100k on ada luca
  10. Auction will last 2 days(48 hours) after start offer separately. Accept coin capsule 400k, reroll ticket 500k. Ada Luca (S.o 50k) C.o 350k by Ravan01 Mind bid 50k insta 1.2m https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4724476/ada-luca Hasty Luca (S.o 50k) C.o 150k by Deadhunters Min bid 50k Insta 1.2m https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4724478/hasty-luca
  11. Kfseth


    Wouldn't say this idea is bad but if you want to change on a pokemon "OT" from alt to main acc, then people would want to change buying poke OT too. I understand what u said its ur own since from alt but still if can change OT why would just limit from alt to main, people will complain about it. And if this available then why OT section should exist, its useless if can change. Also when catching poke it's the "account" that catching the mons so its strange that change ot while catch. I would vote no. -1
  12. wtb kanto 4th badge service pm me in game,here or discord:KFseth for details
  13. S.o 100k min bid 50k insta 1m. Accept coin capsule 400k, rr ticket 500k. Last 2 days(48hours) after start offer.
  14. theo just came online and traded.
  15. after the auction ended. And yes i did state how long the auction will last, its 2days(48hours) after start offer. Isnt it always after start offer? But i did start the countdown every start offer.
  16. @Alolanhunteru won the rotom, gratz contact me when online
  17. u are few seconds late, sry bout that
  18. up
  19. Jangmo and Deino auction ended. @Theobooboo won the jangmo and @Kevs won the Deino. contact me when u guys online
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