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Everything posted by Kfseth

  1. -1 so much of these confirm notification things, it's just give more chance to botter to abuse. like he said use your eyes
  2. Auction last 1 day(24hours) after start offer, Accept cc 380k, rr 500k. S.o 50k min bid 50k no insta. https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4760124/flabebe
  3. start. may i ask this auction start from first offer or start from the time u post this thread?
  4. sold
      • 1
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  5. Auction riolu for 2 days(48hours) after start offer. Accept cc 400k, rr ticket 500k. S.o 50k Min bid 50k insta 1.3m https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4739467/riolu
  6. klefki sold
  7. metagross sold to Xjustinftx
  8. Start klefki auction by @Blackdragon100
  9. 250k by Mrzero7
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