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Everything posted by Abygaelle

  1. Salut^^ Ta demande avait plutôt sa place ici: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/looking-for-a-guild.8/ Là tu te situe dans la partie de présentation des guildes des deux serveurs. Pour répondre à ta demande, actuellement sur le gold, il n'y a qu'une seul guilde Française c'est la french Connection. On possède deux guildes, la principale qui est notre guild PvP et la deuxième qui regroupe beaucoup de joueurs qui sont encore dans l'aventure. 98% composé de français, on regroupe 95% de la population fr dans nos deux guildes avec un discord actif. Les autres sont répartis dans les guildes internationales. On est pas vraiment une guilde usine, même si on gère beaucoup de membre. Une petite guilde ne te permettra pas d'évoluer sur ce jeu, hélas. L'arrivée des récompenses en guild ladder et l'évolution du PvP, favorise les grosses guildes. Si tu as d'autres questions, n'hésites pas^^
  2. Mienfoo sold 120k to Kronobr Tangela Modeste HA sold 175K to Tagliati
  3. Hi, I think its really hard to create a PvP council How are council members picked? How long can they stay on the council? I think 6 month is good What are the requirements? Get any sanction for cheat/boosting/Guild boosting/Use ban Poke or forbidden moove/abilities, then any sanction with Pvp should be fine Should they be able to participate in ranked PvP while being on the council? Sure they have too, and i think they should be active player in PvP. Inactive in Pvp during a month = kick. How can you judge and make rules, if you never see what happen in fight. How would the split between Silver and Gold members look like? 5 Silver and 5 gold. They choose One leader and one Co leader with vote. Leader and Co-Leader have to be from gold and silver. impossible to get the 2 from Silver or from Gold. I want to say something about this, players shouldn't be choose by the pvp ladder. Cause we all know one thing, its not cause you are in the ladder during x month that you are good or you get good knowledge in PvP. The members should be choose, on some points, first of all and its the most important they have to get different main pvp style : balance, Hyper offense, Staller, Original player ( = player who don't use Pokemons in the most used list ). Cause if you get 6 staller main on 10, rules will always go in favor of stallers). i think Staff should choose members after a postulation and a discussion about PvP in general (for test their knowledge). And at the end, some PvP match to test them. Sorr but a men who win only with a Togekiss timid scarf and flinch, all the match has nothing to do in this council. How are suspect tests decided? How does the council decide what Pokemon to sent into a suspect testing phase? By vote, if there is an egality, leader choose between the 2 options How would a suspect test look like (a special suspect ladder is out of question)? Open a topic, ask the players questions about this Pokemon and listen to the Return of PvP players and the members of council when they do PvP. Who gets to vote after the suspect test is over? Council they are here to decide What are the requirements to vote? Players should not vote, they are only here to give their feeback. A player is 90% not honest when he take about his own experience. Point of view of 10 experiments players will be 10000% more useful then 400 vote. If they are salty, they are not honest, then the poll is distorted For example a player make a topic about unban dugtrio, then council discuss about it. if they agree with player, they can create a new topic to open phase test with this dugtrio or unban him directly if they think, this rules is just useless and won't change nothing. A staff members say yes or No. What would council members need from staff in particular to make it successful? How much influence does staff have over the council? They have to watch and give their agreement when they will decide on a new rules. When can staffs interfere in the decision making process? When the staff think its necessary.
  4. I think its a good idea, cause it will increase the price of epic pokemon then its nice for the trade & business. It is in original game then why not here. But i'm fine with both^^
  5. If you could improve one facet of the event, what would it be? Change the system of mini league. That you can come with a lvl 25 max. let player come with their lvl for farm. Little league should be in a tower liek the kanto elite 4. Requirement is get a team lvl 30. Cause actually stay block during 18h minimum to get a low reward is not profitable. You can't block players during one day without a good reward like reroll tickets. What was your favorite part of the event? Egg hunting, i think it has to be in all regions. Around 10 12 max per regions but with more difficult spawn. Farm event Pokemon, i think 1/550 is a good rate. We need some difficulties in farming otherway a lot of player are going to get this poke and they will get any value. What was your least favorite part of the event? Breezy falls requirement, too restrictive What can we do to make the event better for next year? I think, stop the crash servers but its not Scripter's job. Were any parts of the event (or the whole thing) so terrible that we should delete them and forget they were ever added? I change my mind on this question. I think one thing was horrible, put one quest per one quest; Discover there is a little hide quest to get event togepi 1 hour before the end of the event. it is just not possible. When a event start, there should be all part and all quest at the start, to let all player the time to do each. It is not fair cause if someone can't play the last week, do breezy falls was just impossible. I pref wait one week more but get a complete event, than get each week a part or a new quest.
  6. yes each time you get an offer, you have to put the screenshot here.
  7. Screenshot, if you don't have no one will bid on it
  8. It is impossible to do real world cup in this event, cause Cobra just do his team and don't care if other french player want to join or not. if they are Ok with that. if you put all french in same discord for discuss who join or not, the name are not going to be the same^^
  9. Hello I'm searching actually some poke event to close my easter event Larvesta easter x 1 Munchlax Easter x 1 Togepi vanilla ( White ) x 1 Togepi Cotton Candy ( Blue ) x 2 Togepi Caramel ( Light Brown ) x 2 Contact me in game Abygaelle or send me a PM on forum, i will answer. See you and thx
  10. It is only RNG i farm since the event start around 30h for get my 1st exeggcute event. A friend come and farm 3h and get Exeggcute and Munchlax event It is only luck or not. But 8h to farm its really nothing
  11. I know Klohver, this is just for say if i do an auction it will be between 1 - 3days. If i do one i told it if its 1/2/3 days. I never do auction more than 3 days, this is just that^^
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