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Everything posted by Teerav

  1. [spoiler=Sold @ 280k total]
  2. [spoiler=Sold @ 550k total]
  3. [spoiler=Sold @ 175k total]
  4. There were some issues with all my images not showing up in Chrome Browser, so I divided all pokemon into two spoilers. [spoiler=Sold @ 422k] Hey man! Sorry for never responding. >_< Best way to contact me is via discord if you have. teerav#0975 I will have the Mawile if you are still interested in buying. Yeah, I will accept that. If you have Discord, please add me: teerav#0975.
  5. I am in favor of shorting time. However, there are definitely turns where you need to think ahead and/or want to calculate. It would be nice to have a simple dynamic system. Something like you have 45 seconds per turn, but you also have 3 or 5 minutes of "overflow" time. Each turn you go over 45 seconds, you begin to draw from your overflow time. Overflow time does not regenerate each turn. This would potentially speed games up, but give players that extra time they want or need during critical points in a game.
  6. [spoiler=Sold @ 475k total] Sorry, AllSmell posted wanting to buy it before you and offered the full asking price.
  7. Bump.
  8. Contact me via discord: teerav#0975 or PM me here on the forums.
  9. [spoiler=Sold @ 325k]
  10. [spoiler=Sold @ 575k total]
  11. Sure, I will set them aside for you. Let me know whenever you're online. If you have discord, add me: teerav#0975
  12. [spoiler=Sold @ 400k total] [spoiler=Sold @ 225k]
  13. [spoiler=Sold @ 325k total]
  14. [spoiler=Sold @ 325k]
  15. [spoiler=Sold all @ 1m75k total. ]
  16. Sure, if you have discord please add me: teerav#0975
  17. [spoiler=Weavile sold @ 220k]
  18. start
  19. Hello, I have a timid ha eevee with 31 speed. Please PM me on discord: teerav#0975 or find me in game.
  20. For anyone else considering him for your guild, I highly recommend against it. He is also shameless about his cheating, and generally toxic.
  21. It was understood that as long as both players agreed to extend their deadline to play it was allowed. This did cause the tournament to drag on very long. And yes, there were times the tournament was delayed due to my lack of attention. But to claim I never sent your rewards is wrong. Please check your mailbox. http://prntscr.com/nyk9gu
  22. The tournament did finish. The tournament was hosted through my personal discord, which you left as soon as you were eliminated. I also offered to pay for your entry fee, but you denied that request.
  23. Panhandling is banned in many parts of first world countries. In places it is allowed, it is often regulated. Law makers regulate it by defining "aggressive panhandling." More on this if you would like to read up on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aggressive_panhandling. The description can be compared to getting a PM asking for something free. Regardless, this comparing begging in PRO to begging in real life is a poor comparison. Begging / panhandling is done by homeless people. There is no "homelessness" in PRO. If people need help, there is a help chat. If people need high level pokemon, there is a trade chat. If people want advise on things, there is all chat. If you want to take any type of comparison from real life, you can define "aggressive panhandling" in PRO as asking for free things via PM.
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