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Everything posted by Teerav

  1. IGN: teerav Current rating: 309 Season you were on ladder: -/- Vote: Keep the rule. Reason: Higher probability of new or inexperienced players matching against veterans. Guild rankings would be completely skewed by guilds with multiple alt accounts -- this stems into way more problems like guilds refusing new players because they want more alternative accounts in their guild to have higher guild ranking, making it harder for new players to join veteran guilds. Other than guild rankings, there is literally nothing competitive about guilds in PRO. Introducing this rule would completely destroy its legitimacy in every way. Higher probability of win-trading abuse. Terrible feeling for players who miss ladder because a few players make ladder with multiple accounts. Sure, a player should be rewarded if they make multiple accounts in ladder but simply alienates others. This will eventually decrease competition in the long run. How can you talk about guild trophies in your opening line then add on "you don't really get anything for a higher position" later on in your statement? Like saying "hey I care about this issue" then next paragraph you say, "actually I dont care." EDIT: Anyone voting to remove the rule with the reasoning, "I want to test teams but am too scared" or "I dont want to lose rating on my main account by testing teams" has competitive anxiety. <https://www.sports-training-adviser.com/competitiveanxiety.html> Its a real thing and *lots* of people have it. However, just because lots of people have competitive anxiety is not an excuse to ruin the competitive integrity of an MMO. PRO is so different from Showdown, League, etc. I agree we need a way to test teams without constant need to beg friends or guildmates to battle, but removing the rule to solve that is a lazy solution. The better solution is to enforce pvp rules in unranked so it becomes a viable practice tool for competitive players. Reward people for using the unranked queue in some way to bring some life into it, like 2k pokedollars, which is probably the amount of gold you would gain leveling in cerulean cave for 5 minutes.
  2. Start Bid: 200k Auction ends: 3 days after first bid.
  3. http://prntscr.com/la46p9 Current bid 450k.
  4. http://prntscr.com/l9r9ml Current bid 426k.
  5. http://prntscr.com/l9pwnd Current bid 200k.
  6. Tales of the Viridian Forest Dawned the day of Halloween in the town of Viridian, Awoke little David thinking to himself "Not again!", Because this day last year was such a horror, His girlfriend entered the woods next to their home, She was gone since last year not seen forevermore, Davids friends gathered outside with joy waiving their wrist, Excited because today was the event in the forest, They would hunt for candy hidden by the adults, Ready to move on David agreed to join, Little to know the fear he assumed would be the result, Dawned the night of Halloween in the town of Viridian, Awoke little David screaming "Not again!", Because this was much more than a horror, Covered in blood from head to toe, He realized its his friends that he wore...
  7. https://prnt.sc/l6sgon Please find this guys' shovel. :pepehands:
  8. Good luck in your adventures outside of PRO.
  9. http://prntscr.com/l4yyt8 This guy stops to talk to me every time I pass him. As an introvert, NPCs talking to me gives me stress. Also, its extremely inconsistent with the rest of the NPCs. Probably a bug tbh.
  10. Add Defog to pre-evo tutor for Rotom forms. I was dumb and forgot to keep defog on my rotom before evolving to Rotom-Heat. I believe rotom forms can actually learn defog in other games though, so perhaps this is simply a mistake? The Violet City NPC does not let me learn defog for my Rotom-Heat via tutor or TM. Also, Belzebel would like Mystical Fire added and coded. This would help Delphox and Mismagius, both of which are weak in PRO's pvp meta. It would be a nice addition if it is not difficult to add and code.
  11. Where are you from? United States of America How old are you? 28 How much playtime do you have on PRO (including alternate accounts if any)? 3887 hours on my main, and probably another 200 or so on a few other random accounts I grinded to store guild pokemon and other things like my "0x" collection. Has the game improved since you first joined? If yes, how? I joined a little over two years ago and the game has improved immensely since then. More pokemon, more abilities and moves coded, more maps, more npc bosses, more quests, more everything. And not just more but better quality. Better pvp rulings, better moderation, better community interaction, better interface, etc. The game is constantly growing, improving, and always looking for feedback. Is there a staff member or player who you feel is underrated? Yes. There are so many players in this community that organize sub communities and create content and run activities. Personally speaking: Popinsmoke, Glogs, Waniardy, Coup, Natryu, and Nanoluck are members of my guild that have helped keep my guild, NoMercy, afloat during my inactive times without ever reaching their hand out for rewards from me or staff but certainly deserve it. There are others like ShinyCelebi, Dakivid, and Belzebel who've also done a lot and have been recognized. Sometimes I feel like I get the credit for all the hard work these individuals have done for the community. I could seriously go on naming so many more people... its the community that keeps me addicted to this game. If you could change one thing about PRO, what would it be (no restrictions, be creative)? Create more functionality to PvP. In a social media world, things like the ability to spectate games to improve the quality of tournaments would be amazing for content creators and hosts. A doubles section, where I can que up with a friend to play doubles. Playing through PokeOne with this option was by far the most fun experience Ive ever had playing pokemon. If PRO had this, it would be hands-down the greatest pokemon mmo forever.
  12. You can also bring a breloom to false swipe and spore. EDIT - And for syncing, you can bring an alakazam with thunderwave, recover, trick while holding a black sludge. Trick the black sludge to them, thunder wave, and take the black sludge back before it dies.
  13. I think one of the most used commands from Reborn in my discord is ^ladder and ^guildladder. It would be nice to view the ladder in the client. Like this:
  14. Hey Tofuistofu! Please download discord and friend me: teerav#0975. Regardless if you're accepted or not, it would be nice to have you in our discord.
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