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Everything posted by Teemoking

  1. becuz no update....... nothing new.... no event... the hype is gone... and the grinding is really.. exhausting..
  2. how about limit the amount of money that everyone can earn on each day ?? like hearth stone, u can only earn 100 gold per day so u have to log on everyday to grind or hunting epic pokemonins for sale in order to get rich this way, the botters can not earn too much money :Smile: and MS price will not sky high any more and i think it can also push more and more ppl to do pvp after they earn their money and make pvp more popular :Smile:
  3. becuz stallers like to have a GW talon in their team, ofc they would say: oh.. how stupid ppl complain about GW, it's way easy to counter it by slowbro, tyranitar or steath rock and so on. but they just complain about "shadow tag" gothitelle while other non-stall team players not complain much about it it's sooo funny, isn't it ?? ofc i know stall team can easily wall GW talonflame, but not everyone's play style is stall likewise shadow tag gothitelle :kiss: every time ppl got rekt by shadow tag then they go to post "why shadow tag not banned ?? or shadow tag is an auto/free win " on forum, it's so funny
  4. ban magnet pull as well plz my ferrothorn and scizor are really angry about that shi.tt.. stupid ability brainless, no counter, no team preview like shadow tag so ban magnet pull and shadow tag plz :Grin: and for baton pass, i sincerely think this move should not be fixed in any case it's kinda brainless too ( expecially on blaziken, scolipede, mew and etc... ) just keep it bugged like now if ppl want to use it then sometimes it failed and one more plea plz fix "sheer force" so it gonna change pvp meta sheer force is really a important abiliy to beat some stall pokemons
  5. since pokemon sun and moon is released i am so excited with it so may PRO have the 4th region with sun and moon pokemons in it ? :Crazy:
  6. Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow server <t>count me in</t>
  7. go get a h.a talonflame :Grin: sleep already got nerfed, it last only 1~2 turns now so spore + sowrd dance is pretty risky for breloom
  8. why don't u just take it to battle and win and see what's gonna happen ??
  9. hey guy i want to buy dex service ign: teemoking :Grin:
  10. holy.... wtf is this !? :Smile:
  11. wtb epic modest/swift swim omanyte pm pay 1m :Grin: ign: teemoking
  12. dark black :Cry:
  13. becuz i already kidnapped that fat ball
  14. it's a visual glitch :D u should always assume that they summon weather
  15. RIP.. i sincerely suggest u check pokemon's moves pool before evolving it
  16. You need a lv80 ratatta
  17. Re: PRO Viability Rankings (PVP) v0.95.7 <r>Sableye should now go to B since confuse ray got nerfed <E>:Bored:</E><br/> <br/> same to those pokemons that rely on spore or sleep powder since sleep now always last 1~2 turn only</r>
  18. 50k :Grin:
  19. confuse ray should last 1~4 turns randomly like original game should not be change to always 1 turn just because ppl like you hate it
  20. agreed with this ppl complain confuse ray because it always last for 4 turns but they should not change it to always 1 turn they should make confuse ray to last 1~4 turn randomly like original game should not alter a move just because ppl hate confuse ray it's not acceptable. so if i hate those priority move, can i ask shane to remove priority move ? it's weird ppl's comment here
  21. same like Spore, sleep powder like 80% rate to sleep 1 turn .........................
  22. WTB MS kanto or johto pay 430k :Heart:
  23. 1.3M by luudung in game :Heart:
  24. bump~ last 30 mins
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