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Everything posted by Popopop1279

  1. Couple new pokemon added, removed breloom that sold in game. Bumpppp
  2. Bump, added 2 charizards
  3. I'll buy these 4
  4. Yess, as soon as the servers are up I'll send you a convo Edit:
  5. Bump bump
  6. Bump Added Blastoise, changed prices a little
  7. Bumppppppp
  8. Okie, 1 sec I'll send you a convo Edit:
  9. Ok, in that case I offer 200k for mudkip 1 if my last offer of 200k was invalidated
  10. I offer 200k for mudkip 1
  11. Bump, added Hitmontop
  12. Would bold be ok? If you're interested shoot me a convo or msg me on discord, Noodles#7767
  13. Bump
  14. .
  15. Bump, lowered price on quagsire. Removed some mons that I sold in-game, added a chandelure
  16. Welcome to the shop! I'll be selling various pokemon here, nothing here will be auctioned and only be sold at a set price. Rules: I can deliver to any region in game, free delivery. I accept cc, 1 cc = 380k ( I'll also pay the difference if it goes over. ) You're allowed to message me privately or on discord about prices. ( My discord is Noodles#7767 ) Prices may change at any point. Please allow me a day or two to respond back or message, I can sometimes be very busy and might not be able to respond. Pokemon: Gyarados 300k Weavile 250k Hydreigon 280k Serperior 250k Hp Psychic Alolan Muk 400k Volcarona 750k Hp Ground Serperior 400k Hp ice Manecric 400k Hp ice Togekiss 250k Hitmontop 450k Ninetales 500k Hp fire Garchomp 750k Garchomp 350k Garchomp 250k Greninja Hp Ghost 250k
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