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Everything posted by Flaflapt

  1. Denied for not meeting the age requirement and for applying to another guild at the same time. Good luck in Phoenix.
  2. Rejected because the use of google translator on the questions leads us to believe you don't meet the requirement of understanding basic english. Thank you for applying.
  3. And I wanna be like you, lets trade bodies.
  4. s.o: 250k c.o: none insta: 1.5m s.o: 250k c.o: none insta: 1.5m Auction for 72h starting now, minimum bid raise of 50k. Only accept cash and coins (100c=600k).
  5. A simple answer is take the screenshots. Reporting without evidence is futile. Provide them if you expect punishment.
  6. Re: Garchomp Sand veil in pvp <t>Asking for a ban without good reasoning, in my point of view, is salt.<br/> <br/> Odds aren't weird until someone seriously comes up with a big enough sample (>1000) to support their claim that a certain chance isn't working as it should. But of course if someone misses that crucial move that would have won the game, our impression is that the odds are broken. Like hitting 4x focus blasts on Togekiss, no one cares about that, but if on the 5th you miss on a Tyranitar, omg the move is broken.<br/> <br/> On Showdown the meta is completely different from PRO, you can't compare whatsoever. Having all legendaries available + Megas change the meta quite a bit. Togekiss is abused on PRO because it's easy to use -> just click t-wave and air slash, it's not rocket science. Doesn't take skill to use, just hax your way through the match.</t>
  7. Re: Garchomp Sand veil in pvp <t>@D3t0x15 Legit didn't understood anything you said. xD</t>
  8. Re: Garchomp Sand veil in pvp <r><QUOTE author="HollowPikachu" post_id="450987" time="1507216378" user_id="1548903"><s> </e></QUOTE> You can't ban things like that, too complex. Flat banning Sand Veil is the only option.</r>
  9. Re: Garchomp Sand veil in pvp <r>Why are you people seriously considering this ? Pokemon is <B><s></s>luck based<e></e></B> from the get-go. Smogon made the evasion clause so that pokemon would be less rng based and that way be more competitive. This has nothing to do with evasion abilities. They were only banned in Gen4 because how weather worked back then (wouldn't end/infinite turns).<br/> <br/> If you don't like rng games, go play chess. Hax is gonna happen no matter what, this topic is full of salt in my honest opinion. Because Sand Veil is far from being the most rng cancerous "no skill" strategy in the metagame. If you think having 80% chance hitting a Sand Veil mon in sand is bad, then what about:<br/> <br/> - Hitting through paralyze = 75%<br/> - Hitting through iron head = 70%<br/> - Hitting yourself in confusion = 50% (not only you don't attack but you lose hp in the process)<br/> - Hitting through serene grace air slash = 40%<br/> - Hitting through paralyze + air slash serene grace = 30%<br/> <br/> Just named a few. So we should ban Togekiss ? It's the definition of no skill pokemon. And confuse ray Sableye ? It's annoying as well.<br/> <br/> The chances are in your favour, if you missed, move on to the next match, on average you'll win 8 out of 10 times - Don't make a topic on the forum asking for a ban.</r>
  10. I don't like that Sableye moveset because it can't touch 2 S tier mons (and probably top5 usage) that is Talonflame and Clefable.
  11. Don't think this was reported yet. After the battle was finished, the sash disappeared without being actually used:
  12. The limit is 900 mons I think. Check your trainers card. The box not.fully fulled induces the error for sure.
  13. Flaflapt

    Ban Snorlax

    Snorlax is indeed a threat and can solo by himself unprepared teams. But prepared teams don't really struggle with it and that's why it isn't ban worthy. Any decent fighting type can hard switch on his curse and still 2ohko it without being killed back. The most annoying thing in this is that you're playing with body slam paralyze chances. Besides that, every curse set has its weakness. The mono body slam set gets walled by ghosts and the coverage set has no sleep talk which gives you 3 turns to take him out since snorlax is easily worn down and needs to rest. Not to mention that roar and whirlwind are a thing. And finally with the addition of unaware, cm clef and curse quag make snorlax set up fodder.
  14. Guide on it: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=120&t=69238
  15. Re: Softboiled and Unaware ability combined - Allow or Ban from ranked PvP or not? <t>Ban hammer.</t>
  16. PRO did not ban arena trap, was that an all chat rumour ? If a move or ability isn't coded correctly those are the only scenarios that stuff gets quick banned. To ban arena trap it would require a suspect test + voting like what determined the ban of shadow tag.
  17. Regarding to this bug report: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=84&p=444152#p444152 I'd like to request immediate ban of the move Mean Look and Whirlpool until Shane fixes it. It's broken as hell. Also Final Gambit can be removed from the banned list since Shane fixed it (I think, didn't tested it yet).
  18. Tiering would be great but impossible to code.
  19. There isn't.
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