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Everything posted by Kaminokage

  1. +1 Daily quest are annoying even if you are every day at the timer. The first day, you will start doing it the morning, and fews weeks later you will doing it the night :(
  2. Re: WTS Volcarona Bold EPIC <t>Auction cancel, can be close.</t>
  3. Re: Hunt Guide — How to be well prepared <r><QUOTE author="Neroli" post_id="451658" time="1507372776" user_id="1680020"><s> </e></QUOTE> Tricks : <LIST><s> </s><LI><s></s>Always find the area with the higher Spawn Percentage to hunt the PKM. It's almost all the time the area with the lower Rarity Tiers (but sometimes not: when there are areas with a lot of low Rarity Tiers).</LI> <LI><s></s>When we have multiples areas with the same Spawn Percentage, always find the unevolved PKM : It will be easier to train the PKM after. <br/> Except : For Happiny / Chansey / Blissey, their Base Exp is the same : 255. You can evolved Happiny to Blissey, the exp needed will be the same, so catching Happiny or Chansey will be the same for the training. It's explained by the fact that PRO for Base Exp of PKM G1 to G4 takes Base Exp from G4:<br/> <URL url="https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon_by_effort_value_yield_%28Generation_III-IV%29"><LINK_TEXT text="https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki ... on_III-IV)">https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon_by_effort_value_yield_(Generation_III-IV)</LINK_TEXT></URL> <br/> And for G5 to G6, it takes Base Exp from G6, and doesn't take into account the update made to G1 to G4.</LI> <LI><s></s>When we have multiples areas with the same Spawn Percentage, always find the area where the PKM has the higher level : it reduces costs of Pokeball to catch him. <br/> <URL url="https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Catch_rate">https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Catch_rate</URL><br/> <IMG src="https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/20/Catch_formula_1.png"><s></e></IMG> <br/> The level of the PKM will not affect the Catch Percentage, but the HP of the PKM will affect the Catch Percentage: More HP will increase the probability to catch it.</LI><e></e></LIST> <br/> <QUOTE author="Neroli" post_id="451658" time="1507372776" user_id="1680020"><s> </e></QUOTE>According to some theories, the probability is 52% not 50%. Because the Synchronize give you 50% on the right nature, then choose between the 25 natures if fail : so for the right nature: 50% + 50%/25 = 50% + 2% = 52%<br/> But, Synchronize can also be : 50% on the right nature, then choose between the 24 others natures if fail. <br/> It depends how it's coded. If someone has the answer, can be nice :) <br/> <br/> <br/> <QUOTE author="Neroli" post_id="451658" time="1507372776" user_id="1680020"><s> </e></QUOTE> Trick: <LIST><s> </s><LI><s></s>Always use Super Repel instead of Repel or Max repel. Super Repel is always the most cost-effective in terms of cost per step.<br/> <IMG src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/358738690144468992/363105081148833792/unknown.png"><s></e></IMG> <LIST><s></s><LI><s></s> Repel : 350 / 100 = 3,5</LI> <LI><s></s> Super Repel : 500 / 200 = 2,5</LI> <LI><s></s> Max Repel : 700 / 250 = 2,8</LI><e></e></LIST></LI><e> </e></LIST> <br/> <QUOTE author="Neroli" post_id="451658" time="1507372776" user_id="1680020"><s> </e></QUOTE> Trick : <LIST><s> </s><LI><s></s>Always use Pokeball : Almost all the time the most cost-effective in terms of probability per cost. <br/> <URL url="https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Catch_rate">https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Catch_rate</URL><br/> There are some cases where the Ultra Ball seems to be more cost-effective than Pokeball (because PRO makes 600 Ultra Balls for 500k), but i need to look more in detail for it :(<br/> Except: For Beldum, the Pokeball is the most cost-effective, but i highly recommend to use Ultra Ball, his bloody Catch Rate makes his catching time very long.</LI><e></e></LIST> <br/> <br/> <QUOTE author="Neroli" post_id="451658" time="1507372776" user_id="1680020"><s> </e></QUOTE>Btw, nice guide Neroli. And can you stop stealing my formatting with quote everywhere <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  4. Re: WTS Volcarona Bold EPIC <t>Up, 12 hours left for a start offer, after i cancel the auction :)</t>
  5. Re: WTS Volcarona Bold EPIC <r><QUOTE author="aminnation" post_id="452128" time="1507470729" user_id="1691288"><s> </e></QUOTE>Like i said InGame, no i only accept 3m start offer.</r>
  6. Update on October 8th, 2017 : The player Nikrogallone told me that Happiny spawn Route 212 North : Update done.
  7. Don't worry about the unevolved PKM lv 100. You can ask staff to evolve your PKM after the event :y: Enjoy the event staff :devil:
  8. Re: The Natu's master - 195 PKM - Kaminokage - Update on September 29th 2017 <r><QUOTE author="putramamang" post_id="451622" time="1507361493" user_id="1625735"><s> </e></QUOTE>Hello, no sync from Sinnoh :/</r>
  9. Up, i just see that post and i really like it :y:
  10. Re: Garchomp Sand veil in pvp <r>If we read exactly the actual rule :<br/> <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=34240"><LINK_TEXT text="viewtopic.php?f=98&t=34240">https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=34240</LINK_TEXT></URL> <QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE> Only moves are concerned by this rule. It means we can use ability or items to reduce accuracy or increase evasion.<br/> <br/> I recall the existence of a very nice item : Bright Powder. <URL url="https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/w/index.php?title=Bright_Powder&redirect=no"><LINK_TEXT text="https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/w/in ... edirect=no">https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/w/index.php?title=Bright_Powder&redirect=no</LINK_TEXT></URL> <QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE> I don't know if this item is coded or not on PRO. But Sand veil + Bright Powder can be very nice in PVP <E>:Shocked:</E><br/> <br/> <br/> This debate around the ban of Garchomp Sand veil is not new, one year ago, some players already debate about it. If i remember, this Evasion Clause come from accuracy seems to be bugged. I don't know if it's true or not, maybe my memory plays tricks with me. So why Garchomp Sand veil is not ban as well?<br/> <br/> One argue against the ban of Sand veil at this time was the fact that almost all Garchomp are Sand veil, the Hidden Ability was insane to have. But, this time is over, now we have Black MS to increase the Hidden Ability Rate. And we have a Repel Trick for Gible : <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=120&t=64597"><LINK_TEXT text="viewtopic.php?f=120&t=64597">https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=120&t=64597</LINK_TEXT></URL> <QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE>Humans can have Garchomp Rough Skin now <E>:Crazy:</E><br/> <br/> If some players still think Garchomp is not OP, i would like to remind my post about the Most common PKM on PVP : <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=69331"><LINK_TEXT text="viewtopic.php?f=98&t=69331">https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=69331</LINK_TEXT></URL><br/> Garchomp is at least in the top 25 : around 10% used. Unfortunately, it's only my own data, and only for yellow. And i don't have the exact distribution of Sand veil and Rough Skin. But, by memory, the number of Rough Skin is still very low. Sand veil stay the most used. <br/> <br/> So, for me, the debate for the ban of Sand veil should stay open. And my opinion is now inclined towards the ban of Sand veil. But i would like to see what others players have to tell about it before make my final opinion.</r>
  11. Re: The Natu's master - 213 PKM - Kaminokage - Update on September 29th 2017 <r><QUOTE author="MarcKam" post_id="449538" time="1506846120" user_id="1320907"><s> </e></QUOTE> I pm you on forum, and tried to contact ingame, i still try. Try to contact me ingame too :)</r>
  12. Re: The Natu's master - 217 PKM - Kaminokage - Update on September 29th 2017 <t>Update on September 29th 2017 :<br/> - Add 2 Hydreigon.<br/> - Add 1 Ferrothorn.<br/> - Add 1 Pidgey Shiny.<br/> - Add 1 Zubat Shiny.</t>
  13. Re: The Natu's master - 213 PKM - Kaminokage - Update on September 27th 2017 <r>Up <E>:y:</E></r>
  14. Re: The Natu's master + 229 Others PKM - Kaminokage - Update on September 27th 2017 <r>Update on September 27th 2017 :<br/> - The Natu's master come back, need money <E>:Heart:</E> <br/> - Clean up the topic.<br/> - Add a hundred PKM.</r>
  15. Hidden Power should be add at Bugged Moves : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=52447 https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=60701 To resume: On official game, the Base Power is 60 for 6G. On PRO, the Base Power on description is 60. But when we use the move, the Base Power is only 50! This bug strongly reduces Hidden Power efficiency in PVP. On Weakness *4, a BP of 50 gives us a move at 200 power instead of 240. On Weakness *2, a BP of 50 gives us a move at 100 power instead of 120. Meaning any STAB move with 70 BP on weakness *1 will be stronger than Hidden Power, and 70 BP is pretty easy to have. Even on Weakness *0,5, any STAB move with 135 BP will be stronger than Hidden Power (not a lot i admit). But, the issue comes from the advantage we supposed to have with Hidden Power, with a BP at 50, Magnezone can't OHKO Scizor and can quickly lose the match-up, same for Roserade Hidden Power Fire versus Ferrothorn, lose the match-up even with a move *4. Others examples can be find, but firsts in mind. Up. I just look at Gastrodon Relaxed EV DEF/HP Hidden Power Fire, after boost with Storm Drain, Versus Ferrothorn Relaxed EV SPDEF/HP: HP Fire BP 50 : +1 0 SpA Gastrodon Hidden Power Fire vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Ferrothorn: 144-172 (40.9 - 48.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery HP Fire BP 60 : +1 0 SpA Gastrodon Hidden Power Fire vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Ferrothorn: 176-208 (50 - 59%) -- 67.2% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery Again, this little "bug" of 50 BP instead of 60 can change a match.
  16. Where did you read PVP is supposed to be fun?
  17. Re: WTS MAGNEZONE HP FIRE <r>1m <E>:Heart:</E></r>
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