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Everything posted by Alaris

  1. Welcome to PRO harukopeanut!!!
  2. Welcome back Akaari!!!!!
  3. Welcome to the forums Bl4bl4!!!
  4. Welcome to PRO bio1445!!!
  5. welcome to the forums Prymiis!!!
  6. Welcome to PRO , LILKNOXX!!!!!
  7. Welcome to PRO , BenFood!!!!
  8. The use of quick claw is not forbidden.
  9. Re: WTS Epic Porygon2,Dragonite,Weavile,Snorlax,Bisharp <r><QUOTE author="DarkB0y" post_id="425466" time="1502385784" user_id="237829"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hello, this is not a personal shop, I am just trying to sell some of them.<br/> My personal shop is posted on "Personal shops" and it has like 20-30 pokemons.<br/> Thanks. <e> </e></QUOTE> Variation is correct you are only allowed 4 Pokemon to be sold at a time in this subforum, more than 4 belongs in personal shops. You are allowed one active thread per subforum.</r>
  10. you are only allowed 4 Pokemon to be sold at a time in this thread, more than 4 belongs in personal shops
  11. moved to appropriate subforum as you are selling more than 4 pokemon.
  12. Welcome back, Hakaisha!!!!
  13. Welcome to PRO, Baitrax!!!
  14. Welcome to PRO Reinhardt88!!!
  15. Welcome back DerBoiHimself!!!
  16. Welcome to PRO Royyy!!!!
  17. As you are selling more than 4 pokemon your topic has been moved to the correct subforum.
  18. Good to have you back, Syazmeep!!!
  19. Welcome back Kaynite!!!
  20. Hi and welcome, PortgasDAce!!!
  21. Welcome to PRO XLostF7X!!!
  22. Welcome, hope the fun continues.
  23. Welcome to PRO hope u like it here, jensenty!!!!!
  24. :Cool: Hello :Cool:
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