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Former Staff
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Everything posted by Alaris

  1. topic moved to appropriate sub-forum as you are selling more than 4 pokemon.
  2. Welcome to PRO! iDaze
  3. Welcome to PRO , ToshiroHitsu!
  4. Welcome to PRO, Captainlevi!
  5. Re: Halvoure's Shop (20+iv) inside <r><QUOTE author="halvoure" post_id="381807" time="1493861258" user_id="1247892"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Moved per request.</r>
  6. Welcome to the forums Skychrew.
  7. Welcome back, hope you enjoy your time :y:
  8. Keres!!! :Frown: . Was a pleasure working with you , good luck in all you do in life.
  9. Welcome back Terminator!
  10. Welcome, and GL, hope u enjoy your time.
  11. Welcome to PRO ignas77!
  12. Re: WTS some fairly decent pokemon :) <r><QUOTE author="Tommyola2" post_id="374631" time="1492218457" user_id="12185"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> moved to appropriate sub-forum as you are selling more than 4 pokemon.</r>
  13. Welcome to PRO Jaeden!
  14. welcome to the forums Wittman!
  15. Moved to proper sub forum As u are selling more than 4 pokemon
  16. moved to proper subforum.
  17. noted and will be added.
  18. Welcome back MrRambo77!
  19. Welcome, hope you enjoy your time on PRO!
  20. Welcome back DarkMew!
  21. Zapdos is not catchable. Have a nice day.
  22. A staff member is rewarded a pokemon of their choice after 6 months of service suggestion The only staff mons allowed in ranked PVP - are the ones that are obtainable in the current game The Iv's of the staff reward mon, should reflect a mon that would be discovered in a comparable amount of time, if say that staff member had been hunting instead of preforming staff duties. legendary tourney winners should still be able to use their reward just my opinion
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