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Everything posted by Alaris

  1. Welcome and good luck :Cool:
  2. though u staff about pvp ... It's one of my primary jobs but im not alone
  3. the season has ended locked
  4. Alaris

    is the season over?

    The season has ended. Shane ends the season records the top 25. Rating will be reset when the leader board is reset and when rewards are distributed any points earned now will not count towards making top 25 for the ended season
  5. did u read my report about the bug yet bro? if you submitted it to the bug resolution center it will be addressed by a staff member.
  6. yes the rules are current as well as bugs. new bugs are added as they are found.
  7. Welcome Back :)
  8. noted, most likely will be fixed when "scrappy" can be coded as well
  9. welcome to PRO!
  10. Welcome to PRO, thank you for your service .
  11. Welcome to PRO, we hope you will stick around :)
  12. on going bug with weather, currently the faster mon's weather get's put out(should be slowest), also the weather symbols and message function only part of the time. Until the bug can be fixed, assume it is present and that it will last 5-8 turns. The bug is known. Thank you for your report.
  13. locked as solved happy bday :)
  14. welcome to PRO!
  15. welcome to PRO, i agree witht he responses that have been provided. GL in which ever server you choose. :Cool:
  16. noted. will look into.
  17. farewell daenerys :Frown: , and good luck
  18. welcome back , hope the changes are welcoming.
  19. welcome to PRO :y:
  20. thank you, will pass this up the chain
  21. if u have a video recording of it , would be much appreciated.
  22. Looking into iron barbs and protect as well.
  23. Welcome to the forums Ghool.
  24. added to bugged not bannable on the weather , this has personally happened to me. in regards to natural cure- if u know the enemy mon has NC then u can sleep 2 mons but if you are wrong then u risk a ban, until a msg system is put into place.
  25. meaning i will submit it to the ppl who can actually fix it. tks, sr for miss understood ur word :Shy: no problem just here to help Mean look- added to bugged not bannable Explosion still being discussed
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