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Everything posted by Alaris

  1. welcome and good luck
  2. you are witnessing a bug with stealth rock. When a user brings in a mon and it dies to stealthrock it removes all the opponents pokeball's symbolizing what they have left, making it inaccurate. I assure you the other user can not take more than 6 pokemon into a battle. if you think another user has broken any of the posted PVP rules , please use the report center only next time to file your report. Locked
  3. welcome, enjoy your time
  4. welcome back hope all goes well
  5. welcome to the forums RawrTehehe
  6. welcome hope you enjoy the game
  7. Welcome Dan, hope everything continues to go well and you find the right guild.
  8. welcome hope you enjoy your time.
  9. hi please file this in the report section of the forum https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=70
  10. nice to meet you, hope all continues to go well
  11. Welcome, Id say to not try to rush the story modes and enjoy the journey.
  12. Hi CobraMK, Thank you for all the kind words and offering to help others.
  13. Please respect the rules of the forum, and other Players. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/rules
  14. Re: WTS DECENT POKES <r><QUOTE author="aienma"><s> </e></QUOTE> Topic moved to proper subforum, as you have more than 4 pokemon for sale</r>
  15. topic locked as question is no longer pending.
  16. your wish is my command ;)
  17. please change the title of your thread to accurately reflect what you are selling. h.a. Gible would have the "rough skin" ability thank you
  18. moved to appropriate subforum
  19. Re: Enforcer's shop large revamp/update 11/25/16 <r><QUOTE author="conan761311"><s> </e></QUOTE> sold to the guy above you</r>
  20. Re: {} List of Guild Registration {} <r><QUOTE author="lorventh19"><s> </e></QUOTE> moved to appropriate sub forum<br/> <br/> like the gathering of info, this has potential <E>:y:</E></r>
  21. Re: Cantstopwontstops humble Competitive Shop <t>1.5m on jolly charizard</t>
  22. moved to appropriate subforum
  23. This is just a graphical glitch that can happen sometimes when you open your Pokedex. Sometimes I see Armoured Mewtwo, for example. There's no ETA on when Mega Evolutions will be added but keep an eye on the Downloads & Update Logs so you'll know when they are :) correct, there will be an official announcement when it happens. Most likely being posted in this thread https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4563
  24. Re: PRO Viability Rankings (PVP) v0.95.7 <r><QUOTE author="shewas15"><s> </e></QUOTE> everyone is allowed there opinion, I think he just wanted some constructive feedback on why you disagree. Which would be best, since u regularly place high on the ladder.</r>
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