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Everything posted by Prisha

  1. Fire: torchic Water: mudkip Grass: snivy
  2. 0862
  3. Player name- prisha Server- silver Timezone- gmt+5:30
  4. The last Pokemon was a volcarona with leftovers. I was looking in my pc for a boss and I remembered that I was with my better volcarona
  5. Oh and I just read another post with similar issue and I want to add that I went to the shrine or whatever to explore if there's something else to see. I also talked to gengar and said no before exploring the halloween area and relogging on snubull
  6. I was relloging while battling wild snubbul but when I relogged I was in that place where you are sent when you lose to gengar's pokes in gengarite quest. I was having my gengar which was holding gengarite which was in pc before that and my other pokes weren't there. I exited and went to the pc and checked for my pokes I was having but I am not able find them. I was having charizard with mega y stone,chansey with eviolite, venusaur with black sludge, snorlax with leftovers, scizor with leftovers and don't remember last member. Pls help
  7. Lately with the new client my game freezes at any time. I was battling entei gaurdian and I was going as I planner to beat him. But my game froze. Can anything be done without me waiting another long 12 days?
  8. Why I wanna join : I used to be a member few years ago but I don't remember clearly why I left. I think I was not active in discord. But now I want to rejoin. My goals in pro: I play pro cause I like to play poke games. My goal is to train my favourite poke. My age and language :I don't like to share this very personal stuff like age so sorry. Other than eng. I speak Hindi What I contribute : well i am not good in pro but I try Discord name: Prisha #2354
  9. So I did Pokemon daycare quest today. I talked with the lady and realised I was a doctor apprentice. I had left PRO for a while and rejoined about a month ago. I know I just did daycare quest. I am confused that in the guide I read, daycare quest was required. I still don't remember I did doctor quest but if I did how was that possible without daycare quest?
  10. I wanna join this guild . It is because I wanna make many friends who can solve my problem . I wanna become the pokemaster in PRO . But I have no that much strong poke .
  11. I wanna many helps which no one does . So I was finding a guild
  12. I wanna join this guild . I wanna make new friends in this guild . Kindly take me in your guild .
  13. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) #2 ♦ <t>East or west blue is best!<br/> Prisha here</t>
  14. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>I love u.....[blue server]</t>
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