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Everything posted by Pitroipa

  1. In the thread there is no minimum increase.
  2. In Germany we say "mach oder Anzeige ist raus!"
  3. Hello, I see since months there are always the same people pvping and in ladder. So maybe there should be a small reward for new people who started pvp. maybe for 50 wins , then 100 wins and so on. Or even just pvp games. I see a lot of people struggeling cause they always loosing in the first pvp period. thanks for ur attention.
  4. so a guy who has 400 rating and start his own guild and there is just one member would be top1? -1 for me doesnt even make sense.
  5. hey check ur discord ^^
  6. thats not 24+ btw 03 def and 04 spdef
  7. sold ingame close please
  8. sold ingame close please
  9. Hello, I offer to sell ur poke with an auction on the amigos discord server :) just pm me the poke and the startbid for the auction. every auction goes 24h and there will be a 5% tax for auctioning a poke. contact me here or via discord FjAbio#6079. thank you
  10. hey I wtb Xmas alo the 400k one s azu s aero the bold clone squirtle the timid clone char calm clone bulb halloween torkoal halloween weavile I offer 2.2m ty.
  11. start octillery
  12. hello I wts my jangmo-o it will be lvl 100 and pvp ready till the end of the auction startbid is 1m auction goes 24h after first bid minimum increase 50k insta 5m good luck
  13. sold insta close please
  14. sweet cake sb: 6m insta: 11m accept trades with other shinies. cc 380k and reroll 600k good luck
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