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  1. Hi, Firstly, server: gold, ign: Anshu71100. Ok, now that's clear, I wanted to raise a complaint about this issue I faced against the mega sceptile quest. I followed tutorials to the T and spent many PVE coins trying to get a good treecko for this quest. I follow the quest on tutorials. Sometimes I lost to the spiritomb Pokemon, I had one last attempt before my Pokemon would faint fully, suddenly gold crashes (as usual) and I have to re fight the spiritomb Pokemon, except my sceptile has less health, and it obviously lost. As a result now I can't even use the same treecko again. Kindly help with this. My treeckos ID:47304027. THANKS
  2. I need help for the keldeo quest. I surrendered to the forest ranger since I only had to Pokemon to fight him and I thought might as well get my PvP team from pc. Instead or being sent back to pc, I was in the same place. Then I battle him again and quit during the battle to teleport to pc. I return to thebmaze with my full team, interact with diff items... No response. Interact with same levers as before. Yes response, for the same old levers. However, as I activated the third lever, it only said the msg and didn't teleport me. Help Anshu71100 Gold server
  3. Server: Gold My username: Anshu71100 Traded with: Happykou21 Pokemon: Garchomp level 100, poke ID: HOENN 40362509 I traded it with him to help him beat kanto e4, but I forgot about region lock. Please resolve this at the earliest Thank you Evidence attached
  4. Hi! My jolly lvl100 garchomp (hoenn) got locked with my friend. Happykou21 who is still in kanto. My username: Anshu71100 Server: Gold I have attached the screenshots thanks!
  5. What is your discord tag? anshu71100#5631 How often do you use discord? Quite often... Almost everyday If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? Respond to reports given in the report channel xD
  6. MEMBER CATEGORY Smartest:Wittman Friendliest:Wittman Funniest:temealien Coolest: Jannythegreat Comeback Player of the Year:Axel02Most Talkative: Most Trustworthy: Wittman and minotaurr Most Helpful:minotaurr Most Missed:sushrut Most Influential:jusjeet Most Intriguing: STAFF CATEGORY Best GM:St4rlord Best CC:shary Best MOD:letrix Best CS:naero Best Artist: Best Mapper: Most Professional Staff: Most Friendly Staff: Most Dedicated Staff: Most Honorable Former Staff:
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