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Posts posted by Tr3y

  1. ● What's your Name/IGN? TR3Y

    ● How old are you? 20

    ● Are you active in Discord? YES

    ● Where are you from? DETROIT

    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? 3K HOURS

    ● What's your goal in PRO? TO WIN

    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? IT'S LIT

    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? AGUMON

    ● What's your favorite animal and why? WHO CARES?

    • Like 1
  2. I think I speak for all players when I say that I appreciate the release of Manaphy... but this sprite just ain't it (at least for me). If we could have an NPC that changes it back to normal or something, that'd be appreciated. Going forward, I believe that the sprites of legendary pokemon shouldn't be altered in any way, shape, or form (because we only get 1). Or we should be given a choice of whether or not we want the sprite.

    • Like 3
  3. Smartest: njnp :D

    Friendliest: Mamathieu

    Funniest: Sugar9

    Coolest: Gore

    Comeback Player of the Year: Akalli

    Most Talkative: Buzzn

    Most Trustworthy: Can't trust anybody.

    Most Helpful: PreHax

    Most Missed: Jaeco

    Most Influential: Mamathieu

    Most Intriguing: Buzzn

    Most Experienced Player: Walrosskastanie

    Best/Funniest Username: xRevolutionx94


    Most Professional Guide Maker: Akalli

    Most Professional Discord Moderator: N/A






    Best Mapper: Eaty

    Best Artist: Aeolus

    Best Community Coordinator: Nebulas

    Best Moderator: PreHax

    Best Trade Moderator: Logan

    Best Game Master: Rekkuza

    Best Admin: Nikola


    Best Staff Username: Eaty

    Most Professional Staff: PreHax

    Most Dedicated Staff: Eaty

    Funniest Staff: Logan

    Friendliest Staff: Logan


    Most Honorable Former Staff: Rekkuza

    Most Missed Former Staff: Rekkuz

  4. +1 Like Smooge said, PRO's metagame is not the same as Smogon's due to the limitations we have when it comes to capturing legendary and Gen 7 Pokemon. In order to maintain a balanced metagame, this needs to happen because of new things being consistently added into the game: Megas, Legendary Pokemon, etc. Smogon is the best competitive Pokemon community out there and their system works well with a PvP council guiding them so I don't see a reason not to try it here. Making PRO better in every aspect should be the focus and a PvP council would be a great addition to make sure this happens. I'm all for both concepts provided above.

    • Like 2
  5. Well this would be wonderful but if this for some reason isn't possible at least let us be able to trade our dog for another, I made the mistake of picking the wrong dog a long time ago when I was pretty new at the game. I dont think you should be punished so hard that you can never get the dog you'd want, a 3k hour account shouldn't be forced to remake an account just to have the dog it wants, I feel thats too brutal.


  6. One doesn't need to reach ladder, one only needs enough wins to get enough coins. Reaching the ladder is just a way to get more at once, fastening the process, but it's not the only way.

    If they don't want to do 150 wins for one reroll ticket, they still have the other options at hand. They are supposed to be hard to get, it's a privilege after all, and having excellent Legendaries is not needed. As mentioned in TR3Y's answer above, and quoted below, other Pokémon can fulfill some roles as well as legendaries, if not better.


    Not only I didn't mention buying tickets to other players, but also, their price is only related to the players themselves. Again, Reroll tickets are supposed to be rare, it's only logical a rare resource is pricey.


    Yes, ingame quests are rare and, again, so are reroll tickets, and intended that way. There would be almost no point in being able to reroll if it was easy: might as well then make the legendaries impossible to fail sync in the first place, with excellent IVs regardless of your luck, that would be even easier.

    Legendaries are what they are: legendary. You can't farm them, you have one of each available and it's sort of unique. You can reroll them, getting a chance to be better, and it's already a huge thing per se, although random so, obviously, not always rewarding.


    Yes, you have the choice to get them from PvE Shops. You choose to use it to sync Pokémon, that's your choice. Choices are good. But you do have the option to buy them there, it's then up to each to make its own choice.


    Yes, tournament rewards constitute the hardest way to get reroll tickets, but it's still a way. :p



    Well, as I've stated right before that sentence you've quoted:


    Other accounts -and each and everyone is allowed to have up to four- can be seen as a different version, allowing you to make different choices, catch other legendaries, end quests in a different way (such as Vulcan's), etc.

    You'll have to do the story again, play enough to meet the hour requirements again, but so did you have to in the handhelds.


    I don't see how it would be "cooler" to make everyone -meeting the basic requirements, of course- able to catch all available legendaries, removing these choices from the game.

    You may envy people with a legendary you didn't choose, but so could they. And it's not a bad thing, in my opinion.

    The amount of time needed to make an account, finish all 4 regions, meet the hour requirements, get evolves, AND do the quests for a chance to have decent legendary Pokemon is ridiculous so the "other accounts" argument is pretty awful just like Felix mentioned above. I never said it would be "cooler" to make the other legendary Pokemon available to everyone so I can tell you didn't read my response thoroughly. I said it's important to maintain a healthy and diverse metagame and allowing us to get the other legendary Pokemon would help PRO do that.


    I could understand if the updated PRO we play now was the PRO we played back then, but the fact that our decisions were impacted by the developer's inability to fix the game at the time is enough to AT LEAST allow a way to re choose the legendary Pokemon. And it's not about being envious of other players. That's completely besides the point of this whole post.

    • Like 2
  7. Agreed. The state at which PRO was in months ago heavily impacted our decision when it came to the legendary dogs and lake trios. Also, just because these Pokemon are called "Legendary" doesn't mean they have to be so limited to players. There are Pokemon that perform roles better than some of the legendary Pokemon available to us so it's not like having the other 2 would give anyone a competitive advantage or make the metagame unhealthy.


    "The handhelds themselves didn't give the option to catch all legendaries in a single version, one had to trade some from the other versions."

    -This is true but unlike the handhelds, there are no different versions of PRO so this comparison doesn't make much sense at all.


    Adding to what I said above; with new tools such as Trick Room, Volt Switch, etc. coming into the game, we players are pretty limited in terms of what we can and can't use in Ranked PvP. It may seem "cool" to make Legendary Pokemon so rare but it doesn't help Ranked PvP at all. And maintaining a healthy, balanced, and diverse metagame should be the goal. Limiting us to how many viable Pokemon we can catch doesn't help in regards to that.

    • Like 3
  8. Vote: No, keep it banned.

    Reason: Team Preview doesn't change much with this Dugtrio and Arena Trap. Its ability to trap threats with ease and force the game into 50/50 situations turn after turn is not competitive at all. I'll post more about why it should remain ban later but at least my vote is up for now.

    Rating: Placed top 25 in almost every season and won 2 Ladder Tournaments.

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