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Posts posted by Tr3y



    Using metapod, kakuna, weedle, oddish, paras and venonat is also a playstyle. That doesn't mean talonflame should be banned because its really op vs that team :p

    Bro no it's not. Nobody uses metapod, kakuna, weedle, oddish, paras, and venonat because it's bad. Stall is good but gets punished by Crawdaunt. Ban Crawdaunt please.


    Well I would rather have fun and lose quick with a troll team than making both myself and my opponent have a bad time for 30 minutes with stall ^^

    Which is why no stall breaker should never ever be banned for the reason of being a stall breaker :Exclam:

    Regardless of how much you like it, stall is a playstyle. Nothing you say changed and or will change the fact that Crawdaunt is busted and should be removed from Pokemon Sun and Moon + Revolution Online.

  2. Bro 6 tanks is a style of play. This pokemon needs to be banned. Too much OP.


    Using metapod, kakuna, weedle, oddish, paras and venonat is also a playstyle. That doesn't mean talonflame should be banned because its really op vs that team :p

    Bro no it's not. Nobody uses metapod, kakuna, weedle, oddish, paras, and venonat because it's bad. Stall is good but gets punished by Crawdaunt. Ban Crawdaunt please.

  3. I'm going to have to agree with what some of the people here have said. The balance issue is with IV and nature rerolls that are way too high. Staffs don't really care about our opinions on this subject though because their state of mine is "just be happy you have access to IV/nature rerolls". I tried to give several suggestions with mathematical evidence to back up my suggestions but staff don't really give a flip about us and just do what they think is right.

    Well said.

  4. BAN ALL POKÉMON TO THIS GAME... Only Ditto In PvP !!!


    Aw Man This Players..........

    Your failure to realize how we are not being serious at all is extremely amusing.



    As Your Ability To Add Nothing Important Info To This Game :)

    You have no idea lol.... Good luck in your game dude.

  5. BAN ALL POKÉMON TO THIS GAME... Only Ditto In PvP !!!


    Aw Man This Players..........

    Your failure to realize how we are not being serious at all is extremely amusing.

  6. I agree. The only pokemon that can switch in on a Choice Banded Head Smash is Hippowdon. And if you are good, you can just use a water move to nab over half of its HP. It's way too good and should be limited in any way possible.

  7. It's not easily revenge killed because of STAB Adaptability Aqua Jet!! And Chestnaught can't counter Crawdaunt because of Aerial Ace!!! Just ban this pokemon pl0x I can't win it's too strong. Thank you.

  8. After rocks, Crawdaunt kills all of those pokemon. You need to run some calcs my friend. You guys don't seem to understand Crawdaunt's overwhelming power.

  9. I believe the PvP aspect of the game would be that much better if Crawdaunt was banned. The combination of Adaptability and Crawdaunt's well-above-average attack is very hard to stop especially considering it has Knock Off. If you put a Life Orb or Choice Band on this mon, it is just too strong. It achieves things such as 2HKOing Skarmory, Blissey, Tangrowth, and other fat mons. This puts your team at a huge disadvantage vs other pokemon paired with Crawdaunt. Ban Crawdaunt please and thank you. :Grin: :Grin: :Grin:


    Edit: It also puts a strain on the Stall Archetype. It's impossible to win with Stall if the opponent has a Crawdaunt.

  10. 1. What is the currently diffined meta (if it exists). Stall, weather, setup ect..?

    "Setup" isn't really a good way to define the current metagame but I'd say weather teams are pretty prominent right now. There are also a lot of balanced teams as well. I run stall myself but I hardly run into it.


    2. General most common pokemon/pokemon types?

    Pretty much the A / high B rankings in this post: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=14361


    3. Any moves that are missing that significantly effect the meta that are not coded into the game yet? (have looked at the list but i want to double check).

    U-turn, Volt Switch, and Baton Pass don't work correctly. Pursuit doesn't work. Mold Breaker isn't coded. Unaware is bugged (banned as well). The weather icons are bugged so you have to count the weather turns. There are many more bugged / non-coded abilities, items, and moves in the game.


    4. Special/phy split, which one is taking priority right now and why.

    Physical. Swords Dance and Dragon Dance are busted on Talon, Dragonite, and other mons.

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