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    Pokemon Trainer
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  1. Cute suggestion! +1 I will love a throwback to the original hand-held games! +2
  2. Great suggestion! +1 Any improvement to the current pokedex's design is highly needed, as I see it.
  3. Cool suggestion, +1 (Will like the penalty to be totally removed, personally, haha.. )
  4. Good suggestion to me, +1
  5. Hello again; So there is no staff caring enough to explain or provide a way to solve this? I am really looking forward to see, one day, the evo-ing functions of Wormadam working correctly in-game. Sighz!
  6. HI all, just need to know where is all the alola grimer spawning, in our game? Really hope someone can enlighten me on that matter =) Thanks in advance!
  7. Hi all, I have evo-ed some of my dear burmy into sandy cloak wromadam however, I was horrified when I discover their typing DID NOT change. Also, the stats range for each cloak should be diff; It stays the same for ALL cloak. Please help. I really need someone to explain why is this happening and fix this for me! Oh, I am filled with sadness =(
  8. Just to let whoever is reading this knows this; I am really hoping the move, CURSE, will soon work correctly, for the GHOST types. Like, really!
  9. Hi all, time to ask yet again; My important question. How to obtain Sandy/ Trash cloaks for female burmys? Please, someone, tell me..........................................................
  10. +1 I support this, always wondering what version I am actually downloading; only till I fired up the client then I can see the naming. This small change will go a long way, if it happens.
  11. I never thought someone will make a guide for fishing! Took a good look and think it is quite nice. Keep up the good work~ Hope this mechanic will get a revamp in the near future, to be more like how it is, in the pokemon original games.
  12. I rather the crystal onix to be a BOSS that we can fight, in some anime-inspired map.
  13. From point 1 to 5, the player himself/ herself/ itself, can just be more careful when clicking. The Pokecenter storage system does need a upgrade but that been suggested like a looong time ago. For point 6, I like the idea of such item; it reduce the need of a HM slave in your team, who does nothing else much.
  14. +1 from me too! Finally, a good reason to join/create a guild and give non PVP inclined players more to do; possibly expanding our player base. Will love to see a game staff comment on this~
  15. Aww, thank you, stranger. I believe that is meant for me only? Haha...
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