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Everything posted by Quiche

  1. Well rules are rules. No worries and thank you for the quick response. :D
  2. Hi guys, I'm back after a long time. And this time... I accidentally evolved my h.a. eevee into Umbreon.
  3. She didn't let me choose if: 1)Shiny Chance 2)Sync Chance
  4. As you can see I was leveling it up with the rare candy from lvl 94 and I forgot about evolving it during daytime. Can I still evolve it? Thanks.
  5. Sorry how do i close this?
  6. Start: 200k Insta: 1m Duration: 3 days from the moment of this post Sold Insta 1m to Fakeua Thank you for your purchase.
  7. Start: 200k Insta: 1.2m Duration: 3 days from the moment this was posted.
  8. Price check please
  9. Is it okay to use sleep again on an enemy as long as the first sleeping pokemon is fainted?
  10. NPC Name: Quiche Dialogue: Welcome travelers to ______ Town. I hope you enjoy your stay. Here have some Moomoo Milk to help you warm up. :Shy: Special Request: Could my NPC wear purple kimono and greet people alongside a Lilligant please? And standing by or near a patch of flowers would be nice :Smile: NPC Name: Quiche Starting Dialogue: I am sorry but I can't let you pass. Beyond here is a sacred place and unless you're strong enough I am not allowed to let you pass. Losing Dialogue: I can see that you are capable, Please do be careful. On Cooldown Dialogue: I'm sorry but Lily needs to rest for a while. Team: Anything is fine as long as the last one is a Lilligant Special Request (If any): Lillgant show :Sleeping: emote after losing
  11. Here it is, the caste system has been set in stone. Beware new members (evil_laugh.sfx) :devil:
  12. Hello I was wondering if this is a bug since the area clearly only have 3 scrolls :Smile: :thanks:
  13. IDK if it's the server or the client <r>1.) Login time takes about 5 mins per attempt with a chance of not logging in/stuck at loading screen with a full bar. <E>:Nervous:</E> <br/> <ATTACHMENT filename="Login Bug2.png" index="0"><s>
  14. Been a series of this happening when I'm trying to log in and move to other maps. Recently it also made me go back from Johto Safari to Lilycove PC :Frown: :Frown: :Frown:
  15. I re-logged about 15-ish times now and I can now move but idk it might get me this again: :confused: :Nervous: :Shocked:
  16. Hello it seems that logging in to yellow server and moving to other parts of the map stops the client for me. Whenever I try logging in it stops then when I get past by chance when i try entering another map it stops with the loading bar full. There is also this instance where I got logged in and my pokemon team wasn't there not a single one and I can use the chat normally but I'm stuck and cannot move. :Shocked: :confused: :Frown:
  17. Quiche

    Enter Sinnoh

    Hype and Piplup!! :Heart: :Heart: :Heart:
  18. Congratulations Thoru :y: :y: :y:
  19. I got forced logged out before this happened ... did I broke the game? I'm so sorry :Cry: :Frown:
  20. Sorry I forgot to attach this one as well :Shocked: :confused:
  21. Sorry for the lame joke on the subject title :Nervous: :Smile: Anyways I find this quite surprising :Crazy:
  22. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) #2 ♦ <r>Thanks for the giveaway Prehax <E>:Angel:</E> <br/> *stares intently at the flower* <E>:Crazy:</E> <E>:Crazy:</E> <br/> <br/> IGN: Quiche<br/> Server: <COLOR color="#FFFF00"><s></s>Yellow<e></e></COLOR></r>
  23. It's been a long time since I've lost to Red but he doesn't respawn therefore I cannot gain access to trainer's valley. Is there any other way to gain access to trainer's valley :Question: :thanks:
  24. Hello guys it's me Q and today I've just experienced going to space :Crazy: Look at the picture to verify. I had to relog to get off it. I just went in the pokecenter then when I exited the map turned black and I couldn't move at all.
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