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Everything posted by Shiningshade

  1. how much you want for it?
  2. darvader is it an insta offer or for auction?
  3. can you come online for a bid? wanna speak with you
  4. name change from aminnation to burninghunter thanks
  5. i would s.o slaking but how long auction goes i wont wait that long xd
  6. close it sold
  7. username aminnation server silver
  8. i offer this for trade
  9. i dont think its an good idea because you would need to wait 1 min if an guy get disconect and you could make it on purpose and that would anjoy alot
  10. pm me ingame maybe we could make a nice deal ^^
  11. IGN: aminnation playtime : 2582h pvp raiting 1 reroll ticket :yes reason it sucks to use like 10 nature reroll to get the right nature birth island: yes
  12. i am fat let me win
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