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Everything posted by Shiningshade

  1. hey i buy shiny munchlax or snorlax i pay 5m for a trash one if good i pay more
  2. hey i lead the guild oblivion we are an new guild and searching members i will open an forum thread soon but i need a signature etc and you look really kind thats why i like you ,you dont need to be rich or something like this you are welcome if you interesed in pvp you can play but you need to do it i could help too my ingame name is aminnation or you pm me on discord we have an dsicord server for guild too aminnation#3145 my playtime
  3. i got fatter give money for fruits
  4. ign aminnation discord aminnation#3145 server silver cool ugly funny edited : added discord tag ign and server
  5. ne mache sowas nicht xd danke für die einladung aber ich denke ihr seit ein bisschen neuer würde gerne in eine active gilde mit vielen netten und guten leuten es ist halt hart eine deutsche gilde sehr hoch zu bekommen
  6. was sagst du ich guck mir das mal ein tag an und enscheide ob ich bleibe oder nicht okay?
  7. hey its nice to hear that your guild want me but are you guys really toxic or is it just name xd
  8. i think like fabijo too maybe you gave someone your account if yes ask him
  9. ich guck mir das an danke ^^
  10. hey i am amin 12 years old from germany but my english is still good i am searching an active guild with many members that have hunt events tournaments and something like this please write me here ingame or on discord aminnation#3145
  11. nice auction started as the first offer came
  12. 1+ i hate it if you are buying smth and dont get it cause he is not happy with final price etc if an guy want sell something so he should set his price that he want
  13. selling this for s.o 750k and insta 1,25m i cant stop the auction feel free to over it will be 24h auction after first bid
  14. you accept trades i have many other cool shiny
  15. any start for mag
  16. how much for grumpig and jolly magikarp
  17. welcome have fun in this game
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