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Everything posted by Furtifk

  1. 1. What is your nickname in PRO? Furtifk 2. Which one is your favorite Pokemon and why? Mewtwo. Otherwise Bisharp 3. What is your final objective in PRO? No 'final' objective. Just popping in here to see what's new since 6 years ago. Wondering if the guild is still active. 4. How many hours did you play on Red (now Silver)? 2201h apparently 5. Age: 25 6. Do you have a PVP Team? (its ok if you don't have one) I'm sure Mehmetcan (if he's still in blaze) has some of my pvp mons lmao though it's probably not as good as pvp mons nowadays.
  2. Delete
  3. Thx updated with new link
  4. Hello fellow hunters and friends, This thread is about discussion and thoughts on all current bosses (npc's with red names having lvl 120 pokemon) Intro Being more dedicated towards pve rather than pvp I think we can talk about some pve aspects of PRO. Pvp players often talk about what is good for pvp and general discussions around pvp are a popular topic. This topic is for those who wish to talk about some of the pve stuff in game. So we all know the region stories are the main attraction and is where players often fall in love with the game. For most of us who are still around, if we do not pvp then we are either around for socializing with our guild snd friends or focusing on grinding post story pve activities such as bosses, hunting pokemon, doing the great number of quests, or even achieving personal goals such as becoming rich or owning many powerful and nice pokemon to trade or to show off to others. A big part of what I listed is bosses. About Bosses There are many bosses currently in PRO which is nice compared to the fewer ones we had in the past. And there are still many more to come in the future I suppose. These bosses are healthy for the pve aspect I believe since they add further depth to the PRO and bring a challenge. Some also have megas and pokemon that are not obtainable which are not fully implemented and coded but still giving us a tease at what they could be like. Bosses also offer great rewards for people who have not done that boss before whether it be cash or pokemon that dont have a grass, water, cave ,headbutt, dig spawn. My thoughts and opinion Personally having done all the bosses many times, some still stay relevant and are worth doing every 12 days. I do not consider it a priority sadly as hunting pokemon is more interesting to me than travelling to another galaxy to do one. Having made a new account on yellow server recently I think to acquire most of these fancy rare pokemon I would definitely spend the time to build a few teams to clear bosses as it would be worth it. On my red account I think they are still valuable for the money they give but I wouldnt do them for the actual rewards like rare pokemon since they have already been acquired. What do you think about Bosses? Do you think a large number of bosses affect their relevance? Do you find that the time you spend doing them is worth it for the reward you get? Do you think after doing them a few times they become something you would rather not spend the time to do? Do you think bosses shouldn't be something you get bored of doing (if you get bored of doing them of course)? What would you change about them if anything? What do you think overall about bosses? Anyone is free to express their opinion. Vote on hardest bosses! Which 3 bosses do you find to be the hardest? Vote here: https://smart-polls.net/p/32F2BR4 NOTE: This thread is not meant to be aggressive or suggestive towards staff, it is just to see how others feel about the current roster of bosses and see if others have anything to bring up about bosses and so we have somewhere to talk about it accross servers. Hope to hear your thoughts.
  5. -1 . Not hopping on the ban train. This isn't smogon. Half the stuff aint even coded. Dugtrio perhaps ban worthy but if you ban blaziken then w/e gotta hail ferrothorn and stall. Hf spending 1hour pvp matches with who stalled it better.
  6. IGN: Furtifk Server: Red My lovely cacnea
  7. Back in summer of 2017 there were no legendary dogs or guardian bosses. Right before their release we didn't really know what to expect and everyone was anxious to find out. We had no idea so much would be released that day so it made it even more driving to be the first to find out. As soon as the quests got released on the server everyone knew but there were no indications of where to go. It was up to the players to find a lead somewhere on the map. Iirc Hama57 was the first to find and beat the guardian route 25, the one who gives entei and staff even congratulating him on becoming the first to have his very own legit Entei. After that, for those who didn't have the item for entei, we were still curious as hell to find out where suicune and raikou were. Of course some of the hype died down however back when I was in the "blaze" guild, most of us chose to pick suicune and so we were hunting like crazy. With no information posted anywhere and nobody knowing locations we spread out and searched every possible location at that time. Somes, fadoka and I even had a group pm open to communicate to know which locations it was not. Eventually we found out by ourselves it was next to lake of rage and we were among the first to get it if not the first to get it since nobody knew where it was and nobody was linking any suicunes. Although we all know it is a low % chance to get legendary dog on first try, all 3 of us seem to have lucked out and got it first try. Somes then proceeded to make the legendary dog guide with all the info we gathered. The raikou whereabouts were found out several hours later. And so that was it. What made it so fun were the rewards and mystery of it all without any guidance. Also many staff were on at the time hyping it up. Thats one of the moments that made PRO really fun for me and that sort of event release tactic should be encouraged more often. Hope you enjoyed :)
  8. Nice catch on the fletchinder :O
  9. Thank you, good addition! :y: . This can be locked
  10. Re: Sabo's Channel ! <r><GLOW glow="Yellow"><s>[glow=Yellow]</s>BONUS<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW> video? <E>:Shocked:</E> <E>:y:</E> Nice speed</r>
  11. So this layout would be too costly for it being much more practical to use? (If so then nevermind) [mention]Thor[/mention]
  12. This isn't very important and doesn't require an immediate fix but it would be nice to have this sorted. Could the npc who exchanges your PvP coins for Items be easier to navigate through. Currently if you talk to the npc and decide you don't want to buy anything, you have to scroll through 11 pages of items clicking "Next Page" just to be able to get away from the NPC and exit the dialogue. To fix this I would suggest creating an option such as "Exit" similiar to the one the transmat teleporting devices have. Additionally I would like to suggest that the items the NPC has, get put together into different categories similar to the dialogue the Artifact Maniac NPC has (the NPC in the excavation site who exchanges your artifacts for prizes) where you can select what category of item you would like to buy and then get a corresponding list of that type of item like "Fossils" -> Gets a list of fossils to choose from. I hope this gets done as 11 pages to scroll through an npc is insane especially if you want to buy an item right at the end. Thx for reading and good luck :Grin:
  13. People gonna be abusing teams full of legendaries in ranked PvP and we'll get to see even less diversity. No Thanks :)
  14. Re: ∞ BlaZe ∞ ⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO's 3 servers⎪ (The rank 1 mask guild) <t>Bump :P</t>
  15. Take care sabo!
  16. I would considered your "premier quests" to be the legendary pokemon quests.
  17. There's a fair amount to do. You can do bosses and hunt good pvp pokemon. Also you can shiny hunt if you wish to get your hands on a rare shiny although nowadays you'll be having more luck grinding for cash and buying a spawned in ultra rare shiny so I'd say grind for cash.
  18. Re: Genesect, Gothitelle and Blaziken <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/tJWuZrO.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> Gothithelle: Ban<br/> Genesect: Don 't ban<br/> <br/> Blaziken: For the love of god<SIZE size="150"><s></s> <COLOR color="#FF0000"><s></s><U><s></s><B><s></s><I><s></s>DONT<e></e></I><e></e></B><e></e></U><e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE> ban</r>
  19. Re: ∞ BlaZe ∞ ⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO's 3 servers⎪ (The rank 1 mask guild) <r><QUOTE author="Guzt" post_id="411638" time="1500164504" user_id="204870"><s> </e></QUOTE> Could you fill out the form like the others? :) Tell us a bit about yourself, answer the questions :D</r>
  20. Posting to vote :3
  21. Re: ∞ BlaZe ∞ ⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO's 3 servers⎪ (PvP tournament semi-finals) <t>Welcome there Kakashi7,magicianhisoka and Wondra. Have fun :)</t>
  22. sorry but yellow is not like that, the help chat "community" is pretty helpful and everything is still the same before i left and it is still very welcoming. I left for 5 months and i came to check on how my friends are doing and i noticed that some of them stopped playing bc they noticed that the community is dying. What were trying to say is that if nothing is done yellow will die for sure and it will lose all of its playerbase so why not act now before its too late? and please before you say anything you should actually do some research :/ or maybe play on yellow server for a bit so youll understand where were coming from and youll actually know what kind of server yellow really is. In fact a lot of people here are saying "blah blah its our turn now let it be that way for a while" yeaah right? lets ignore yellow cause it sucks anyway and our server is doing great so who cares ay? plus theyve been default for a long time and blue died as well and the staffs will come and revive anyway so why are you guys complaining wait for your turn! or stop overexaggerating it wont die! or switch servers and youll be fine! :) rite? dafuq? none of those will solve the problems that we have now! maybe your community is doing well but what about US? like seriously mods and other players open your eyes for once. oh well, rip I guess :/
  23. Similar thing happened to me today also:
  24. Re: ∞ BlaZe ∞ ⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO's 3 servers⎪ (PvP tournament semi-finals) <r><QUOTE author="R3dNecroDevil" post_id="408076" time="1499520068" user_id="977398"><s> </e></QUOTE> hello :)<br/> <br/> If you want to apply feel free to do so like the rest <E>:Grin:</E> <br/> <br/> Have a good one <E>:y:</E></r>
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