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Everything posted by Kboww

  1. Agreed especially since all legends dont need as many hours now so everyone who waiting so many hours deserve something new
  2. +1 Very nice ideas :)
  3. I like this alot i hope this gets added one day
  4. Bump:)
  5. I like this idea it would fit well with the pink rhyperior
  6. If the preview of the pokes when you catch them had a release button it would save people lots of time and everyone can catch as much as they want without having to worry about their boxes getting to max
  7. Bump
  8. It would be cool to see our all time pvp win-lose
  9. Current name: kboww1011 Change into: Kboww Payment server: gold
  10. Maybe in the future you guys can add an option to choose what pvp tier we can play in. That way pvp will be alot fresher and everyone will stop having the same teams. And itll give people more of a reason to hunt low tier pokes that never get love lol
  11. Kboww

    Team preview

    +1 nice idea
  12. Thank you so much!
  13. Earlier i had to buy a new 15day ms and as soon as i used it i went to hunt riolu and after about 2 or 3 hours of hunting i logged off and logged back on and started hunting again. Then i realised about an hour of no riolu that they stopped spawning and my trainer card said inactive
  14. Bump
  15. 1.1m
  16. Sold in game can be closed
  17. 1m s.o. 1.5m insta 48hr auction after first bid is made No fake offers or i will report
  18. Added price
  19. No auction 2m set price
  20. Up :)
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