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Everything posted by Alfatrion1980s

  1. 111.69k both
  2. 70 k both
  3. Quiet one 11k
  4. Start bold, 2k quiet
  5. Looking for offers for these. Feel free to pm or comment down here. IGN-Alfatrion1980s Discord-Alfatrion1980s#9844
  6. Poocheyana, Voltorb and Mantine sold to this gentleman.
  7. 700k by Bloodyfella
  8. Ok, contact me in game. What's your dicord and IGN?
  9. Meet halfway there to 450? Sure, take your time.
  10. Noted auction started from this post. Current b.o.
  11. Auction Starting Offer - 500K Insta Bid - No Insta Min Raise - 100k Duration - 48 hours from the starting bid. Acceptable payment Poke dollars Coin Capsules - 400k IV Reroll - 650K IGN: Alfatrion1980s Good Luck and have fun!
  12. Price bold rotom wash?
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