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Everything posted by Alfatrion1980s

  1. 1 day 6 hours remains(30 hours remains)
  2. Current offer 500k by ic3thirst........Insta:1.5m,Min increase:50k Auction will end 2days after the first bid. Thank You.
  3. IGN-Alfatrion1980s Discord Tag-Alfatrion1980s#3857 Server-Silver Story- So here I am, a young buy who awoke in the middle of the night. I am currently sharing a bunk bed with my brother, and I am on the top bunk. I look out into my living room and notice everything is dark, however there is a person in an evening gown dusting my fireplace mantle. The woman was slender, which threw me off guard because my mom is obese. I yelled out ‘grandma?’ To the person dusting the counter, and the person turned around. It was not my grandma, but some older woman. Suddenly, she shrieks and her face becomes severely deformed. It was like that shit you see in horror movies, like ridiculously scary especially for a young kid I blink my eyes and she was gone. I somehow went back to bed, and the next morning I went to my living room and noticed that even though the tv was off, there was something ‘written’ on the screen. It said: ‘Do not be afraid, I'm Darkrai.’ It was Darkrai.The text slowly faded, and no one else saw it. As a young boy, this was, and still is, extremely terrifying to me.This was my encounter with the Legendary Void Pokemon The "Darkrai". -Alfatrion1980s
  4. Hariyama 24+ Adamant Guts, Start Bid: 500k Horsea 31/22 Modest Swift Swim Start Bid:150k Conkeldurr Adamant Sheer Force Start Bid:350k Each Auction if Start will last 1 day after first bid
  5. Auction ended! You won pm me ingame! And tell yours IGN
  6. Good Bye Nino! Good Luck in future! be happy ^^
  7. Noted! will end 48 Hours from now. on 13 July 9:30 PM IST
  8. Start 300k, Minimum Increase 50k. 1 day auction.Enjoy!
  9. I'm buying furret
  10. Auction ended! you won, pm me ingame and gimme your INGAME name .
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