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Everything posted by Alfatrion1980s

  1. Noted! will end 48 Hours from now. On 8 July 6:21 PM IST
  2. B.O: 550k,End 2 Days after first bid.Minimum Increase 50k Enjoy!
  3. can i able to play this game anymore?
  4. Someting just like this shows up when I open my client and another second it closes
  5. Selling Price 600k.insta 1m (1 day auction)can not be cancelled once started insta 350kinsta 250kinsta 500k
  6. 1m1 S.O. insta 3m Minimun increase:200k i have rights to cancel the auction if im not statisfied with last offer. Auction will end in 48 hours after 1st offer.
  7. 100k s.o. insta 300k 150k s.o. insta 400k150k s.o. insta 400k Each Auction Last 24 Hours I am not Going to cancel this auction. Fake Offers will be reported. Minimum increase:50k
  8. Start:400k , Insta:850k The auction will end 24 hours after first offer i have rights to cancel the bid if last offer not suits me
  9. You will get free damp rock if u buy pelipper ;)
  10. Feraligatr start bid is 275k insta 500k Ludicolo start bis is 500k insta 1m Pelliper start bid is 450k insta 800k Bid end after 10 hrs from 1st bid
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