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Posts posted by Eaty

  1. Before speaking Mega mounts, i think we can speak about the speed of surf mount, my thread about this topic was totally ignored. I don't know why you nerfed speed of surf mount for no reasons. Many people expect the come back of better speed with surf mount, as same speed of jetski before.

    I answered this question quite a few times. Users only used Kyogre and Jetskii which we didn't want to support cause most didn't like the mounts but the speed. We wanted more variety which we have now. We couldn't make all mounts as fast as Kyogre and Jetskiis cause many don't look good at that speed. So we nerft Kyogre and Jetskiis by 50% but buffed all other mounts by 50% as well. It was a fair trade off. This is totally off-topic and won't be changed. Please do not answer to that in this post.

  2. Stop bumping, grrr. Now I actually have to answer.


    I am currently discussing alternative usages for the Mysterious Tickets within our pro-content channel. Nothing is set in stone but a few suggestions came up.

    • Reset 7-days boss limit (single-player feature).
    • Gain 30-days Train Ticket (activated, not the item, single-player feature).
    • Submit tickets to gain Guild Island access (guild-feature).
      • Needs at least 20 (place holder number) submitted tickets from the guild.
      • Can only be submitted in the first week of the month.
      • Access expires at season reset.
      • Returns tickets if unsuccessful.

    These are just ideas we collected within 10 minutes, we are still undecided. Suggestions are welcome.

    • Like 4
  3. I got a few private messages, saw two suggestions and a few people asked in Discord about mega evolution mounts.


    I personally don't mind the idea. It's totally fine to do that, slowly but surely. Now is the question how to make them obtainable?

    - Simply add them in PvE, PvP or Coin Shop?

    - Make it possible to upgrade the normal versions for a fee (like 100k)?

    - Make a quest to upgrade a mount (different quests for the mounts could be done)?

    What do you guys think? Please give a reason for your suggestion/vote.

    • Like 7
  4. I am not too much of a fan of generating Pokemon but like the idea to rent Pokemon from the system for PvP/PvE Coins or in-game money. This might actually help the economy if they are limited in their number and not cheap. Sadly it's definitely a no for now cause we had to rework lending trade twice and still encounter problems. Before we don't solve these problems your suggestion won't even be considered. Maybe and only maybe then we can discuss your idea in a different way. I really don't want to add more currencies to the game.

    • Like 4
  5. The name change is intentionally unattractive. This has two reasons. First of all, it's extremely database heavy, way more than server transfer. Sounds a bit weird but the server transfer only works with your own data while name changes change the OTs of all your caught Pokemon. Secondly cause it's easier for staffs (especially Mods and GMs) to work this way. Name changes do not help users to hide themselves but it will make our work harder.


    That's why you can see this request as denied.

    • Like 2
  6. I concur that a more flexible window regarding cooldown is an option that would ease the transition to the new system. However, it was proposed by Eaty to introduce a fixed & global cooldown every week (Here) and I personally believe that this solution is the most suitable


    1+ for the idea though

    And this will go live with the mega update.

    • Like 2
  7. The only other ranked system we are thinking about in the future is a Random Ranked PvP ladder. Everything else can be seen as denied until something different is announced.

  8. There will be Substitute themed forms but not for the Pokemon that have these forms but for all depending on the time.

    This is simply cause how forms work in PRO right now. They are not sorted in themes and it would be too much work to change that for now.


    I will close it as denied but half-implemented.


    • Like 1
  9. Hello, that's already on my to-do list. It's rather easy to simply add an icon but the icon code itself is a mess. Before I add more oil to the already burning tree in the forest I rather rework it. With the rework there would be more options as well like showing remaining IVs and the Pokemon for World Quests etc. But right now we have other priorities and it's more work than it might sound at first. It will be addressed but not right now and it might take a while for that.

    • Like 6
  10. That has already been discussed within staff 1 1/2 years ago and many hairstyles for this are already done.

    I cannot promise it but my personal goal was to release a barber salon in every region with different hairstyles in every region with Astrella.

    • Like 4
  11. The server-client update is almost done, only the client needs a few fixes/changes. Testers tested nonstop and found a huge amount of bugs. We fixed all from testers reported bugs but still want to do a public testing before releasing it, at least a few days. With a bit luck the update will be on time for the season end but it will probably take a few more days.


    The question is now, should we delay the season end if the server-client update needs a few days longer or should we just end it as usual on July 1st 12 AM GMT+0?

    • Like 9
  12. We thought about this with the old trade log but as we reworked it a few months ago it's nothing to talk about anymore.

    The new trade log shows way too many information users shouldn't have. It shows the current owner for example. So that's sadly a no.

    • Like 2
  13. Hello, due to many problems and time stall potential it's time to change the timer.


    We decided for an overall timer of five minutes and then 15 seconds for every move. It's activated by default and not adjustable.

    Please give us your opinion only about the timers and if you agree or would like to change them.


    Also, do you want it in ranked battles only? Or friendly and ranked battles?


    UPDATE: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/pvp-timer-change-give-us-your-opinion.156120/post-854158

    • Like 5
  14. De-evolution service won't happen in PRO. You have to decide if you use a Blissey or Chansey before you evolve it. This would totally mess with Pokemon (especially shinies) you catch. Imagine catching a shiny Umbreon and de-evolving it into Eevee. We also wouldn't offer a de-level service if it wouldn't totally make a Pokemon useless.

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