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Everything posted by Dinou

  1. I apologise if i hurt any staff member. At this case i have some question :) Why we should hide our impression about a staff member? Why we can't say everything we think about some of staff members? Why should we be scared of staff punishments because we sayng our opinion? Why staffs don't care about what community thinks when selecting a mod? Everyone pretty good knows that major problem for pro is moderators,and no one can prove opposite. Why staff seeks for respect, when they itself don't respect you? Every conversation that were about staff, always was avoided, that makes you think staff will never changhe(not all). Some of staff doenst care about players, they are happy of their advantage. Why can't be everything be good and fair for everyone? Why do you always try to defend a staff when he is hated if community doenst like him? Why do you seek for suggestions when you ignore them? Long ago pro was cool and chill place to stay in, now it turned on a place where the staff tryes as much as possible to get advantage upper than basic players. They always hungry for powers. Its really cool that not every staff being like that, and obviously those staff got respected by us. Really, its time to change, players always fight staff, and because of that some mids insta-mute or ban, they don't try to ask what they dun like. Thanks god Logan is the one of those, who i really saw that does care about community and ask their opinion. Probably there are more staff like them, but personally idk em. Developer like wally should be also respected, he is the one who bringed to pro new life, if not him pro would be played probably by 100 players or less. Staff like him should be appreciated, but again, some of staffs just ruin all enjoyable things that pro can have. Sorry again if i hurt anyone. Its my opinion about how the pro goes. Yoy can rarely see justice.
  2. Yo, im kind of sorry if i gonna be toxic on this post, but thats it. :) First of all, some impression about staffs like Epiales is literally bullshit, always trying to act like an good staff or somehow, but like wth, from when football topic become sensitive and you get muted because of that as a warning? Makes no sense. There are really cool staffs like Logan who always acts respective regards to community, and don't keeping himself higher than other, its a really loved staff by community, regarding to other staff (in my point). In my opinion its one of most respected staff i ever saw. A pretty fun fact is that most of cheating people getting 2nd chance, for example botting, my old friend got banned for this clause, and never has given 2nd chance, when some of other botters, that's is literally liked by an staff member, he gets his chance, and acting like everything is fine. From my point, more than 50% of staff is bullshit, some of them always powerabusing, and the staff "heads" saying "he will be trained better" like tf. My suggestion is literraly to reform a bunch of staff and start by new beggining. I really hate how most of staff has been selected, "haha i like you, you gunna be a great mod" that's my impression how staffs being selected. Its one of most worst staff community i ever saw on my life. More looks like a kindergarten, where a kid has given powers and he does everything he wants. Conclusion: Act LOYAL to EVERY player from pro community, and not to THE only people who you like because he is HECK COOL. REFORM most of bullshit staff that doenst deserve his role. DON'T select staff because you like him and you know him. CHANGE chat rules in game, they really changed on worst side, new changes(most of em) is unnecessary and is also bullshit. Thats it, its just only my opinion, and because you dont like it doesn't mean you should insta ban or mute. WOKE up already and look at reality eyes, everything what happens on regards to rules is making more people leaving and leaving. I know that you were trying to do best thing than you could do. But heck, its bullshit. SORRY again for my toxicity regards to staff, but other way to show my impressions to them dienst exist for me. -Dinouuuuuuuuuu
  3. Do you hav3 a discord? If not tell me the time you can be around there.
  4. 1.How are council members picked? How long can they stay on the council? -As long as council goes well, there shouldn't be any changes on their members. What are the requirements? -I don't think having "+1000hours playtime" is neccesary, it makes no sense. Picking an member is important part of it, if an player is good at pvp and has experience, why should it be avoided because of playtime. Aswell as "showdown" i don't know why council should be affected by it, since pro meta have nothing to do with it, it's like 2 different thing that can't be compared. I surely would support the idea picking it based on winrate, simple because player of higher 80% winrate have more experience on competitive games, could be picked aswell as official tournaments ending :) the winner of such tournaments aswell shows his experience on this case. Should they be able to participate in ranked PvP while being on the council? -Of course it should, why they must be a part of pvp council if they don't pvp, like how they can decide without pvping, their important advantage of being member of council is that they pvp, and doenst miss some parts of their brain on this cases. How would the split between Silver and Gold members look like? -I think 50-50% would be fine, since i don't know how gold ladder goes, but having atleast 2 member from gold would be fine, since they would balance the council, like how silver player can decide on it without knowing gold meta, aswell as gold deciding about silver. How are suspect tests decided? -Most suspects should be based on their percentage, since this mon would suspect test, and if it doesn't ruin meta anyhow. I think council should also listen atleast a bit to community, and ask their opinion about deciding on this case. How does the council decide what Pokemon to sent into a suspect testing phase? -As i mentioned before it should be based on their percentage, and in most cases it should be started suspecting on same time as pokemon is implemented in game, since there pvp council should be first one to be asked how this mon will affect the meta, and should it be allowing to use this season or not. How would a suspect test look like (a special suspect ladder is out of question)? -the council decides based on usage, and how this mon impact problems to the meta, if the mon is higly overused, and it deal massive damage to the current meta it should be banned, untill you get implemented an solid counter for this mon that suspect test. Who gets to vote after the suspect test is over? -The players who got on ladder, but on high ones should be voted only by council What are the requirements to vote? -Got on top 25 this season. Higher winrate than 60%. What would council members need from staff in particular to make it successful? -Most important is organisation. Channel on discord with their personal roles would be fine, aswell as new discord group. How much influence does staff have over the council? -I don't think staff must dominate the council. :) council are the ones who decides about most important thing that should be discussed on current meta. Staff have nothing to do on this case,just because if the player that applied is not liked by staff, this doenst mean he must not have chances to be apart of council. If community think the player who applied is skilled enought, staff shouldn't trying to do everything to not getting him in council, just because they had some conflicts on this case :) When can staffs interfere in the decision making process? -the process should be maked by council, not staff. Thats all. Thanks for your time
  5. Pretty sad that our high iq cant realise differences between sarcastic and truth, but thats it :)
  6. OH NOoo!! RAIN IS BROKEN AND MANAPHY TOO :C RAIN IS SO UNDERRATED, WITH HIS STRONK ABUSERS!!! BAN IT!! Yes, i agree manaphy is kind of broken mon in this meta, and it should be banned. About rain, why everytime you have to come forum and crying about how "stronk" is it, why you can't just be prepared for this weather team knowing it's "broken", its broken only for players , who always going to ban anything to they lose, complaining about how underrated is it. But yeah, rain is so broken!!!! If we can't beat then it's deserve the ban, good players always had answer to rain, so please, just stop crying about it and play with prepared team, who doenst lose to such a broken weather!!! :(( Oh yea, shedinja best manaphy counter :kred:
  7. Nice one, +1
  8. Current name:notdino Change into:Dinou Payment:silver
  9. Ill miss u, come back soon :bingcry:
  10. Gl at your shop :peepohype:
  11. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Tr3y Friendliest: J3NN3LL3 Funniest: Ashdamion167 Coolest: Akalli Comeback Player of the Year: Prehax Most Talkative: Anthonyliu Most Trustworthy: Goregasmic Most Helpful: Xarcom Most Missed: GangGangInThisB Most Influential: Akalli Most Intriguing: Akalli Most Experienced Player: Buzzn Best/Funniest Username: Imtrippin Most Professional Guide Maker: Prehax Most Professional Discord Moderator: Chris STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Zekray Best Artist: Aelous Best Community Coordinator: Fluffles Best Moderator: MutantSpidder Best Trade Moderator: Logan Best Game Master: Rekkuza Best Admin: Nikola Best Staff Username: Logan Most Professional Staff: Eaty Most Dedicated Staff: Eaty Funniest Staff: Logan Friendliest Staff: Logan Most Honorable Former Staff:Tr3y Most Missed Former Staff:Tr3y
  12. Bump :v
  13. Okay xd
  14. Also gale wings at full hp as abilitty for flying atacks only ^^
  15. Water shuriken, quick atack, shadow sneak, sucker punch, aqua jet, extreme speed
  16. You can get it by digging, or rock smashes at love island
  17. Hello its me again, maybe i did it for mistake, id just like to make my latios timid back(if thats possible)and make sui bold, or get nature reroll ticket, i have proof that my latios was timid before, and it got rerolled to bold. Im sorry for this, but if thats possible i'd appreciate it, thx for your time
  18. If you failed to catch legendary then you can recatch it after winning the boss
  19. Nvm, idk how but instead of reroll sui rerolled latios... Thx for your time :/
  20. Mauville city
  21. Okay, so basically i buyed for 75 pvp coins nature reroll ticket, wasted it on my suicune to reroll from naughty to bold, so, this thing dint worked, its remained naughty, and i lost this heck nrt :/ what to do now xd
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