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Everything posted by Dorade

  1. @Innerfocusthank you for notifying me. I'll bear that in mind. Can you confirm J450n won with 8.1m and time is over please ?
  2. Auction ends Feb Thursday 8th at 23:30 unless someone bids in the last 15min Leading bid is weaponsx with 7.1m
  3. Oops... sorry, first auction for me Thanks for fixing it.
  4. Auction started : 1m for Thodo Auction ends Feb Thursday 8th at 23:30 unless someone bids in the last 15min
  5. start bid : 1m min bid : 100k end : 7 days after the 1st bid accept : Coin Capsule 400k and IV reroll tickets 500k A little reminder of the rules for auctions : - Any false bids and any changes to the bids are strictly prohibited - If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Must be accurate to the minute that the auction is set to end.
  6. Dorade

    Eternity guild

  7. I think the fact that India is a very big country with multiple languages doesn't help, as Dextrax outlined.
  8. I'm ok with displaying a lot of stuff we are definitely lacking in PRO pvp interface, like the amount of turns of weather/trick room remaining, or the stats boost stages, etc... But the potential abilities or speed tier can be very easily checked via pokedex and experienced player won't even need to check in pokedex.
  9. I think your suggestion is already covered in the current devs todolist
  10. Dorade


    To be honest, my guild members would definitely like to join guild island but the top 3 guilds are just grinding machines that don't let any chance for other guilds. The pvp community is so small that your only solutions to reach top 3 as a guild are : - to poach members from another top 3 guilds - force every member to pvp with a minimum rating threshold under which you kick them I don't like any of these actions. Beside top 10 for the extra xp that is always good to take, there is absolutely no reason to fight as a guild once your in top 10, being 4 or being 10 is the same. We should have more rewards, scaled from top 1 to top 10. I don't go further because to be honest, it's not hard at all to reach top 10. We should also bear in mind that some guilds have no interests in rating, they just wanna be a family kinda.
  11. Dorade


    I'm not saying i'm against your suggestion. Everything that can boost guild activity and pvp is good to take. Just want to point at that the graphics you display is not giving much information, we all know that people tend to pvp less during the main events, especially halloween (nov) and xmas (dec) but you can also notice the slow down in feb (valentine). We also know that during the period July/August/september there are slightly less players cause everybody is out in vacation or doing summer event. I mean, dunno in absolute numbers, we should compare to last year, but at least the trend should be the same each year.
  12. It's a good idea, dunno about the feasability, but we could have the lent poke still in our pc but with the same locked status as when they are region locked for instance. Or, a npc in celadon office (or any other place) that give you the timer on all your lent poke
  13. Sure, let me know when you are available
  14. Thank you for your purchase Mainvijay
  15. Sure, let me know when you are available
  16. Sure ! Let me know when you are available
  17. Yes sir. I could evolve golbat and I gave it back to Setrian ! You can close the topic.
  18. Sure, contact me on discord or in game
  19. Thank you very much ! It worked. 1 - I let faint poke to go from 255 to 250 happiness 2 - I revived it in pc 3 - I went to groom brad, took the 2k option and after paying I got the proposal for golbat to evolve. Thanks again for this fix !
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