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Everything posted by Dorade

  1. Dorade

    Shop map

    I think it is not reasonable to expect the mappers to build a dedicated map that would be so large that you could see each player's shop. That mean a LOT of shops. Nevertheless, an auction house was requested by the player long ago. It is currently in the Devs todolist : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/159019-dev-to-do-list/
  2. yup ! If we want to do random battles with guildmates we have the friendly battle system already so dunno why this is not already coded like that. +1
  3. Dorade

    Can Save IV

    Got it... well i don't you why i assumed it was already the case. +1 then !
  4. tbh the money you get from that npc is not much so not sure it will change anything in the end...
  5. Mhmm some kind of Joro NPC but for lvl100 poke... wynaut !
  6. More filters and stuff for the pc is already on the devs tasklist. So that would be another filter maybe. We could imagine the possibility to put a limited amount of "tags" on the poke. You put the tag manually on each mon you want and the filter will only display the pokemon featuring the tag.
  7. +1 but only the informations would only be available to leader/officers of a guild for their members
  8. +1 I'm tired to be followed by a dead abra all day long while i've my wonderful gardevoir in party
  9. I see good points on both sides : - The dungeons were a great addition and added a lot of fun especially within the guilds where we always have to innovate with guild discord events, etc.. to motivate people but ... indeed now that most people did victini dungeon once it is now a ghost place with nobody except a few guys that deseperate of finding a party - What make this game live is also the PvP community and until now we stood by the rule that every pvpable legendary should be made available to anyone at any moment. If that's technically feasible for Victini, it's in fact harder to achieve due to the multiplayer aspects. I do not particularly support the fact we could do the dungeon by ourself with no support of people but i think we should have other interesting activities linked to that dungeon so that more people go there (lavender dungeon is bad example because people go there to farm rr shards and they can do it alone so they won't bring you into their party and they will be focus on their purpose, not yours). I think a lot of work has been done with victini's dungeon and we should respect that, nerfing it or making it feasible in solo would represent a huge amount of work and also will be an offense to the work already done. On the other hand, we can't really attract people in this dungeon with more diverse rewards because this dungeon takes way longer than lavender dungeon to achieve and few people will want to spend that much time for reroll shards for instance. So now i come to my suggestion : - we keep victini's dungeon as is - we remove the twin orbs requirement to enter (to be discussed further) - we add a new reward in the dungeon as follow : 1 - the reward is for people that already complete the dungeon and got victini and baby lugia's flute 2 - the reward is their to compensate people that decide to go back in dungeon in order to help people that didn't get victini yet 3 - the reward could be a cosmetic (9 differents colors :black, brown, yellow, purple, red, green, orange, blue and white) 4 - the reward is non tradable and only available by doing the dungeon with a least one member of the party that hasn't got victini yet 5 - the reward has the same requirements than the requirements to unlock victini - to focus the full party toward the same goal 6 - we could do an art challenge where the community propose the cosmetic to be added. It should be related to victini
  10. Dorade

    pity system

    I mean... we already have a precedent with the valentine event quest that gives everyone a valentine clefa. Why don't we do this for every single event so that every player gets at least one event form in the process ? Especially since it requests people to actually do the event quests... not just hunting. It also makes it a one time thing which is more than reasonable. If you want to spice things up, you can even leave it to the rng which poke you'll get among all the existing event forms of the event. The only downside I see is that we have more and more forms added with the years so depending on which year you did the quest, some forms won't be available to you.
  11. The idea to give to a npc a number of poke you caught in order to get 1 syncable encounter deserves to be looked at but : - 5 seems not enough - to me the npc should only accept OT pokemons to reward in priority those who hunt a lot with absolutely 0 luck. To me if we do OT only, there won't be any impact on the market except maybe a bit more people will hunt. - not sure about the shiny encounter, i mean if it's not OT only it's broken but if it's purely OT only, then ye, good luck getting 5 rare shiny of the same poke (other than rattata lol) - i'm against for the event forms because the whole point is to hunt them.
  12. Dorade

    Can Save IV

    Maybe i'm dumb but i thought we could already do that ? Like when you save a set for your legendary poke, it also saves the ivs. For instance i've a calm heatran with epic spdef/hp that i saved because i rerolled to have good speed/spatk to fit timid nature better. Now i've an heatran with new ivs but i can still load the previous calm heatran set with old ivs. Did i miss the point ?
  13. Yeah ! I always mechanically click the pokemon spawn display when entering the excavation area... to see nothing... i have to go to prowiki each time to check what's there. +1
  14. I've noticed that too. I think it's the same for everyone. The alolan forms won't show in pokedex, that's normal, but at least the route informations should be updated to show alolan marowak. The other alolan forms are displayed correctly at their spawns.
  15. Thanks @Magicbounce for your answer. I'm glad i could contribute in helping the game. As it is the first time I ever report this kind of things, i don't know if i shall hit the "Mark as solution" button
  16. Hello, I noticed that when i look at lure balls in my bag the picture shows a green pokeball, like this : Yet when we catch the poke, the ball displayed is blue, like this : I looked in prowiki and it looks like the color of the lure ball changed between 2018 and 2019. Seems possible to me that the change was never made in game for the in-bag display. I didn't check the other balls as i don't really use these special balls often.
  17. Did you try to talk again to the npc that gave you the exp share ? If it doesn't resolve you issue, I suggest you make a thread in the Bug report section of the forum because it does not seem normal that you didn't get the item back while trashing the poke that was holding it.
  18. I would argue that any banned from pvp legendaries is not a priority. I'd rather see the scripters work on the swords of justice trio instead. Even tho, ultimately i agree having all those legendary poke catchable would be great.
  19. You need all gen 1 and gen 2 caught data except for some legendaries where it specifically mentionned "seen data". Could you check that you've in the pokedex a little pokeball on every single gen 1 and gen 2 poke ?
  20. Hello, I noticed while watching replays of my previous PvP battles that the interface is no longer the same. Indeed, instead of having the interface with the play/pause button, now we have everything displayed like if we were pvping. Let me explain : 1 - We see the PvP entry battle informations where we can pick our lead : if i try to pick a lead it does nothing but again, not sure this is intented to be displayed like this 2 - The battle start right away after i launched the replay. Before we had to click the play button to start the thing 3 - Combination of 1 & 2 really makes me believe I just launched a legit pvp battle while i'm just watching a replay 4 - Once the replay is launched, I have the proper PvP interface, where i can chose either to surrender, attack, pick an items, etc... and no play/pause button. I cannot pause the replay anymore. 5 - once the replay is launched, i cannot quit it unless i log out. 6 - After quitting the game and coming back there is a bug where replays are blocked and it messes with my party Yes this picture is taken from the replay, not from the real battle. Here I logged out and logged in when I click the play button of any battle, instead of launching the replay, it puts back in my party the pvp mons i used during the battle (here scizor and rotom). Indeed i had my hunting party here (kadabra gardevoir parasect wooper) and 2 slots were empty. After clicking the play button of a replay Scizor got added and then after clicking once more Rotom got added. If i log out again the party is back at normal (no more pvp poke). Let me know if you need further information
  21. Hello, Ok for 220k. Let me know when you are available via discord. Sorry for not answering earlier
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