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Everything posted by Dorade

  1. I tried to help Setrian, we traded the golbat, i raised happiness again, it didn't work. I then let golbat faint, closed totally PRO client, logged back in, raised happiness again and it still doesn't work. At this point i'm short of solution...
  2. Thank you Memircea !
  3. Sure ! Let me know when you are available. Contact me on discord if you can
  4. Added Mega altaria, miltank and tr xmas ursaring, all pvp ready
  5. Thank you very much ! It fully answers ! We can close the topic. I'll reach to Kvothe or just wait
  6. Hello I don't know if you ever had a pet turtle but these things have a bad trend of trying to escape. I'm looking for my torkoal but can't find it (check alt, friends, etc). Could you guys help me find it by checking with the ID where it is supposed to be ? Thanks a lot for your support
  7. Ty Exeslayer !
  8. Thank you Rog1625 !
  9. I'm online now if you want
  10. Thanks Maruduck !
  11. I can go as low as 225k
  12. Added beldum and snorunt
  13. Added shuckle, shellder and many eevees
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