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Everything posted by Crucifixuz

  1. Sold ingame, can be closed.
  2. My shiny hydreigon changed it's colour from a beautiful olive green to this ugly turquoise with the latest update, is there any chance for a fix ? :'(((((
  3. i think this belongs here https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/shiny-and-special-pok%C3%A9mon-silver.94/
  4. Startbid: 800k Insta: 2m Duration: 5 days after first bid thk for attention bros lucky hunt
  5. Ok, we have a winner poke will be traded soon to[uSER=1338222] Belzebel[/uSER] for 420 goodbye lucky hunt
  6. Sold insta 4,20m
  7. ok we have a winner pm ingame : finnderboss or discord : Crucifix#3795
  8. Sold insta to Hyakurin
  9. bump best tier 8 pink 368 attack and technician pvp good now grab this super offer
  10. thk bro
  11. Hey guys i want to suggest/request some new fashion items/clothes that are really needed in the game XD ٠Bulbasaur clothes ٠Charmander clothes with a burning tail ٠Squirtle clothes with a turtle shell !!!! ٠New food -- bottle of water -- Piece of cake -- ice -- drinking straw ٠Angel ring ٠Treecko, mudkip, torchic, totodile, cyndaquil & chikorita hats like the kanto starters, lying on the players head. ٠Pacifiers in all colours ٠Black, white, brown basic clothes
  12. This is ridiculous, nobody can beat a level 120 poke with 400 evs 31x6 and h.a. without items. And even if u get to beat one boss, 20-40k reward is a joke. Also where is the difference between the eggs and the normal pokemon bossdrops except of that it will be more complicated ? And can you give more information about the shiny chances of those eggs or shiny chances of bossdrops after this update in general ? Sorry but from what i read here, the only good thing about this revamp would be the removal of the requirements imo.
  13. wow so cheap adamend technican ?? here is bump for you my best friendboss
  14. what poke was this ?
  15. pls gave 5k for boat and 5m is ok too bro lucky hunt god bless bros
  16. IGN: Crucifixuz Discord Tag: Crucifix of Nazareth#3795 Server: Silver [spoiler=Cool] [spoiler=Ugly] [spoiler=Funny]
  17. - Boss requirements: are good, they dont have to be changed xD - Difficulty: Since boss pokes are now ev trained i think they're already hard enough. ( was a mistake to do this without changing the rewards...) if you wanna change something here, just remove those changes again, it is nearly impossible to beat them without ***** tank pokes now. - Cooldown: Rewards are already very low for most of the bosses i dont think people will even bother to beat them if they will only drop 5k and a trash poke + you would have to do it every 4 days... they will become as underused as those minibosses. well but for myself a lower cooldown time would be a good idea because you get more pokes with higher shiny chance. thk lucky hunt my guys
  18. IGN: Crucifixuz Playtime: 1700 hour PVP rating: 200 Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: No Reason: Rerolls are good way to make money and nobody will buy many anymore since it will be an only 1 time thing and they don't need more. also i can't imagine a price for this new "nature reroll", would be ridiculous expensive and hard to get. it's a cool idea and all for the ppl with sync fail legendaries but the influences on the market/economy are not well thought out and not realistic. Vote for Birth Island: i don't care xD Reason:
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