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Everything posted by Thatkid

  1. Congratz on your valentines pikachu.
  2. Current Name: ThatKid Change into: KewlKid Payment Server of Choice: Silver
  3. Thanks Heiwajima.
  4. I wondered about it because I noticed Gengars have cursed body ability now.
  5. Is Gale Wings nerfed?
  6. Hi sorry for not chatting in-game, i'm mute banned. Thanks for buying larvitar, treat it well. Cya around. (This can now be closed by a moderator, thanks.)
  7. Cool. What pokemon center will you be in?
  8. Meet in Vermillion PC.
  9. Welcome to p2w heaven. Enjoy your stay.
  10. so lark yew rekomend fwendz fo starf nw den why dew yew opin aplikation tew join starf? kurze diz spirit of favouritism antipro antipro antipro antipro antipro
  11. I want to suggest a monthly pro newsletter edition that covers a wide array of issues and topics in a mature manner. Content wise this gives the creator of the newsletter a plethora of angles to go about presenting information. You could also introduce interviews of Pro players, tackle different ingame issues, highlighting a pokemon of the month such as tangrowth (for example) and explain its usefulness. There is really many ways to utilize a pdf newsletter. I think it would be fun.
  12. I hope when you do return that i can get my friend back that i miss and hunt some goombys together again. All the best.
  13. Nice post.
  14. Dont quit.
  15. Ok cool ty.
  16. The pro wiki states that you need a level 90 scyther and level 90 electabuzz with maximum happiness on-hand (while hunting) to encounter pink pokemon. Is this true? It would explain why i cant find any while searching for an extensive period.
  17. I don't respect this staff. They are worse than PWO. The recent staff applications just confirms this yet again. You do not like a player, state they are immature and based upon that, reject their application because of it. Walrosskastanie was banned if i recall correctly and was placed into a staff position due to apparently being "professional and having a skill set" but how professional can you possibly have been if you were banned? If you are willing to look away from Walrosskastanie's ban, why can you not overlook a player that is supposedly immature? Why deny that player an opportunity solely because they had an unfavourable opinion or comment about you? Who of you staff haven't made fun of the staff before you were given that title? From now on I'm going to snapshot all the staff's chat I see that includes discord or wherever. If we can be brought to accountability then so should you. Everybody isn't ignorant to your biased behaviour and the taunts that come from certain staff members who afterwards want to wave a white flag under their staff position.
  18. Gastly needs 31 speed for pvp with a timid nature.
  19. EV workshop waiting for your order. :)
  20. - Bumping. :)
  21. I need some EV training friends :) Let's join forces, build friendships and work together towards a common goal.
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