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About Inspironflex

  • Birthday 03/04/1997

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  1. Fixed the CD Boss checker which was displaying Ashbrook instead of Saphirr CD and revamped the display of cooldown (9.8 hours is now 9 h 48 m)
  2. Thanks for your report! The bug should be fixed now :D
  3. Fixed an exploit on the news reporter that could get you 2 masterballs in one week
  4. IGN: Inspirateur Server: Blue With Paint and mouse only
  5. The cd check for Saphirr boss is already included in the 4 boss checkers (the location he's listed in is Sinnoh).
  6. Damn you Calahan I was going to post the same GIF T^T, now I have to use words instead. Man you got my eyes really wet, you were here before I even joined as a player, and I didn't expect you to leave at all PRO will never forget you. I hope this was the best decision for you and you'll be happier in your life. Farewell buddy Rider, and thanks for everything.
  7. Done, thanks for your report :)
  8. Added ancient power to pre-evo move tutor for Aurorus
  9. Ancient power added. coding freeze dry is another topic :v
  10. i need to wait others 7 days? I'm sorry but yes, I can't restore your daystreak as there's too much player affected and I can't separate people that got reset from people that didn't do the quest ...
  11. Hi, sorry for the inconvenience, the bug should be fixed now.
  12. Fixed the bug on news reporter that made anyone reaching 7 days in a row reset to 0
  13. Fixed a bug on News Reporter that made Chingling twice as likely to be asked compared to other pokemons.
  14. As BioDemon stated, getting the same twice is pure luck, I could change this though :p And as for the timer it's based on the first time you ask, so if you talked to him lets say a monday at 10PM, you have 24 hours to get him the poke and then you'll have until tuesday 10PM, wenesday 10PM etc...
  15. Added the "News Reporter" in solaceon town (sinnoh), based on this concept https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_News_Press :D Basically he will ask you for a random poke each day and if you bring him within the time limit he will give you increasingly good rewards for each day in a row you helped him. At 7 days in a row you get a really good reward, and after that the tier resets to 0. The pokemons he asks for are not always easy to get but I believe you can do it, good luck trainers ! oh and if by any chance you have the shiny version of the pokemon he's requesting, try and show him :3
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