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  1. I have a suggestion that we can slightly increase the shiny chance so people who have membership are at least 15%, so if it is 1/8192 people with membersip 1/6963 !
  2. Hello, I will request to make bulbasaur spawn in one more place where we don't need to invest money. Cuz we need to invest money in order to get bulbs. Also if anyone invested 50k for there is no possibility to get more than 3-4 bulba spawn. So add it in 1 more place. OR Make all starter spawn In a place where player need to invest money ( Like it is for johto starters) Ty Have a good day
  3. add marriage channel in ur discord so we can find our partners
  4. we get bored of the new digway before it was next digspot but yesterday was moved to this place so to do dig we have to pass also through mt.c 4 to finnaly acces mt.coronet summit other side so why not return the digway as it wa before here in this entrance or just add a way or stair here
  5. Hi I would like to suggest the cooldown time of 21 days for the Nikola Boss be changed to the same cooldown times as the other bosses. I fought the boss today and lost because i didn't know it was a super boss which meant i couldn't use any revives. I would like to rebattle this boss but waiting almost a month is kind of sad lol. Also imagine getting disconnected during your battle due to unknown circumstances and having to wait 21 days. That's kind of insane :o Thanks
  6. Yo As some of you know, last halloween, a unique iv lock reroll ticket has been given to every people who finished the darkrai's quest. This special reroll let us locking 1 iv of a legendary pokemon and only one iv which is the best option in my opion. It was so cool but for an unknown reason it was the only one special reroll available. What I suggest is to make it available in pvp and pve coin shops. Why ? We always have more and more legendaries which need specific ivs(Max speed for a lot of legendary... I'll explain in detail this later), hidden power (Ice, Fire...) and a IV Reroll costs atm 700-750k each. Staff legendary pokes are allowed in pvp. They have max speed with almost perfect ivs and the hidden ability which is not only a plus on many pokemons. Ok, we can have 31 speed with reroll, but 31 speed + Other good ivs + hidden power is almost impossible. It's why it would be good to reduce the gap by being able to buy iv lock reroll in pvp and pve coins. For example the 3 Forces of the nature : Thundurus, Tornadus and Landorus. Thundurus-T : 101 base speed which is 1 more than 100 base speed like manaphy if played timid it's necessary to have 30 or 31 speed, plus he needs hp ice to be able to beat gliscor, garchomp, landorus or ground, dragon or grass type (hp fly can be good too). Thundurus-I : 111 base speed which is 1 more than 110 base speed like gengar if played timid it's necessary to have 30 or 31 speed, plus he needs hp ice to be able to beat gliscor, garchomp, landorus or ground, dragon or grass type (hp fly can be good too). Landorus-T : 91 base speed which is 1 more than 90 bas speed like lucario if played jolly it's necessary to have 30 or 31 speed, plus many sets need hp ice to be able to beat himself, gliscor... (hp fly can also be good for hawlucha, tangrowth, breloom and fire for scizor-mega, kartana in the future). Landorus-I : Who cares ? it will be banned :v Tornadus-T : 121 base speed which is 1 more than 120 base speed like alakazam but also speed tie with pidgeot-mega (31 speed ez) Tornadus-I : ...Yes Another exemple is suicune : He has 100 base hp which is equivalent to 404 hp to level 100 ivs 31 ivs and 252 evs. Why do we need 404 ? With substitute it will let the sub tanking 2 hits of seismic toss which is essential to pp stall chansey In general they all need max speed to win speed tie (these 2 maybe not : uxie (almost only used in tr), cresselia (same as uxie, or just here to use lunar dance, can also sweep). We can only have 1 ivs spread so it's better to be able to play both defensive and offensive forms thanks to max speed. In my opinion reroll prices should be reduced to : -40 pvp coin for nature reroll ticket -75 pvp coin for reroll ticket -150 pvp coin for IV lock reroll ticket -70 pve coin for nature reroll ticket -125 pve coin for reroll ticket -250 pve coin for IV lock reroll ticket Alternative ways to earn iv lock reroll ticket ? - Tournament but it should not be the only way. - Suspicious 2.0 with a bigger win streak or more difficult ? - A daily/weekly/monthly quest rewarded daily/weekly/monthly (not like solaceon quest where you can just let 7 alt there and connecting each day) but maybe something like the doctor quest or celadon quest. - World quest rewards (choice between mysterious and iv lock ticket ? More percentage like 1,5% ?) - PvP quests which should be implemented in the next patch. -Dig spots on broken island (guild island)............... No more seriously feel free to give your opinion on the subject, tell me what do you think of the main way of earning these tickets and the alternative one or give me other alternative which could be interesting. Thank you for watching. :CharYay:
  7. I've been looking for Charmander about 6 days with 2xbms. Please, its wasted my time then wasted my bms. Ofc sometimes i got in the right synch but with bad IVs. It is the best IVs that I've had in 6 days with fail synch. 50% chance it means: 50% fails 50% works Please i/we need buff for synch at least 50% to 51%. TBH Im kinda tired, its no funny anymore. QUARATINE HIT YOU. THANKS.
  8. hi all; i want you to keep the idea of 20 bosses in one week but limit the bosses to three every 24 hours so in each week we can only fight 21 bosses (03x07) i hope you will enjoy my idea and implant it ingame best wishes
  9. So I was thinking what if we could assign 3rd party lawyers to players with ongoing discipline appeals, it would be interesting to test out. Would give players a chance to learn about pro rules, having a 3rd party defend the players could also benefit the offenders. Some offenders would probably have a problem with communication, the lawyer could also advice the players on the best course of action etc. P.S I am not undermining pro staff but I think just like in every legal case, there needs to be an established player with knowledge of the rules to stand up for players.
  10. hi dear staffs; i want to suggest that any boss which we lost against him in a battle (medium/hard) don't count i.e= the 20 bosses limit affect only challenged and beatten bosses like that the limit are related to bosses who we won them best regards;
  11. Would you like to understand why the staff removed the '' staffview '' command? And I come to strongly suggest and ask them to return the command, because today, the way it is, harms those who play with large monitors. And let's face it, the game looks so much better with staffview!
  12. I just had a thinking that what if the price of changing of name for first time be 100c or free just for first time with some requirements like 100to150hours and then 500c regular price. I know it may not be possible but I am just suggesting. (edited)
  13. As many of you may be able to realize, Vermillion City, and pokecenter, are the most popular, and thus most changing ones. Something i would like to request is rather not to constantly add stuff to vermillion, and change the map for the likes, but rather change somewhere else. For example, Sinnoh is one of the least populated regions, because once it's done there's nothing to do there other than a couple bosses, some dig spots, and quests. For that reason i would like to suggest that for future, more stuff be added to other regions, and not just have everything happen in vermillion. This would also prompt players to have more intention to beat the whole game and not just stop after hoenn. I understand that most people would think something to the effect of "this is pointless", but to be honest i just get bored of seeing everyone sitting in vermillion because it's the only place that gets stuff for it.
  14. I have gotten used to the new system of bosses (I can say I prefer it over the old way) but my only small complaint is that the 6 days and 19 hours timer is slightly too long. For instance, if I do all 20 bosses Wednesday from 7 pm to 10 pm, I cannot then do 20 bosses next Wednesday morning or will often be interrupted while doing the boss run, and I am forced to wait a few hours before I can do the rest of the bosses. Which can be problematic if I am busy later in the day or so forth. This also kills the rhythm of bossing, which is where I believe most of the enjoyment comes from while grinding. A nice quality of life change would be to change the 20 boss limit timer from the current (6 days and 19-hours) to 6 days and 12-hour timer. This allows people who like to do bosses on the same day weekly (but not always the same time during that day) to have more flexibility and smoothness of doing bosses. This will also (hopefully) not be too short of a timer for people to abuse the boss system. I also believe I have a good amount of experince with the new boss system now to make this post. Thanks for your time. -Debeast
  15. If it is possible to Bann bugged moves etc it should also be easily possible to add proper ranked PvP queues for NU UU RU etc. Idk why this wasnt implemented Long ago ... The current Queue is only filled with the same boring 10 pokes over and over again. Most amazing pokes arent even used or hunted because they wouldnt even stand a chance against these ridiculous pokes like azumarill rotom chansey and this garbage . Pls add, will make PvP enjoyable and Game lively
  16. Hi, It's great that we can play so much of the game with a keyboard only. Unfortunately, we still need to use the mouse or the touchscreen when we want to throw a ball on a wild Poke, which is a big timeloss when we're on hard hunting sessions. That's why I'd like to suggest a 7th slot dedicated to in-battle situations. We could drag our Hyperballs onto it or anything that is usable in a fight. Obviously the best solution for this would be to make all 6 slots usable in battle but I suppose it would require some more work. A new dedicated slot seems easier to do as you only have to check if the player is in a fight. Thanks
  17. There are 40+ Pokemons available in pro that can learn weather ball only via tm iirc. And here we are having no tm for it. Especially for venusaur. I would also like to suggest the location for A tm teacher/tm vendor in the weather institute (whichever fits better).
  18. Please add weekly/monthly/daily discount in coin items like other games do. Like for 1 day a mount is of 20-25 coins only after a week/month/day it will be of 50 coins again. Thanks
  19. -It is impossible to beat this pokemon. -If you do not have a steel or posion type pokemon you will not beat this pokemon, also even if you have a steel or poison type Pokemon, the clefable may not be beat. -clefable uneware is invincible, no pokemon can beat if clefable used cosmic power and moonlight, -Try the Pokemon you want, or even try and compare it if you don't believe me. Uneware clefable moveset : - aromatheraphy 8 pp - cosmic power 32pp - moonlight 8 pp - moonblast 24 pp -even if they are beaten with some pokemon, they it very few pokemon can beat Uneware clefable If you do not believe that uneware clefable is defeated, if you try it in the game before making a negative comment here, :) and I consider this not only the pokemon that everyone plays in pvp, but all the pokemon.
  20. Ive been in this game for so long, and knowing a bit of the complexities of the game. But im not the competitive type. I do play ranks but im not that good and i think not even average pvp player. Yet, i think its time you guys open this to everyone. Most top pvp players enjoys a lot of perks and even tourny winners, but what about regular players? Dont they also deserve to at least get themselves something? Idk if youd say it will break the economy but hey. Its been so broken since last year and now the megas are getting. Idk what else youd say about breaking the economy. So maybe its time to let this rerolling for every pokemon out there. Staffs do get their rewards for doing their jobs but what about players who farms a lot to get what they wanted? Restless huntings for the pokes thats so difficult to get then gets messed up by sync fails. Its due justice for this. Hear me out. Also an online pkmn game like this even have their pokes get rerolled so maybe plz. Just think of this. Ty..peace
  21. As many people probably already know the walkway to the Johto Safari Zone can be incredibly frustrating because of multiple caves, ladders and fields of grass. The way itself is also very long compared to the other Safari zones which are very easy to access. Thats why I want to suggest a digway from Cianwood City to the Safari zone in Johto.
  22. Hello, I would like to propose that the substitute movement change depending on whether the pokemon has skin or not, in the same way that you have a substitute with skin for a shiny pokemon, such as a pink pokemon, the substitute is pink, as shown In the attached images, the images are only to imply my proposal visually, I am not really a pixel artist or anything, I only use paint,I know game artists could do a much better job,THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE DISCOMFORT OF READING MY PROPOSAL. ;D
  23. Ok so, what if there was a command, lets say, something like /staffview # That you would put in-game console and it would distance your camera. I know it sounds wild and from the future, but all i gotta say after logging back in after 4 moths is this: BRING IT BACK!!!
  24. hello all; i have a suggestion to add cancel (or return) button when we want to cancel a sold as shown in screen shoot we can't cancel and if yes; we had to logout
  25. Foul play shouldn't be essentially 1 shotting azumarill or landorus-t at all. its a bugged move and is doing way too much damage. these pokemon are just some examples of mons that get 1 shot that shouldn't. 252+ Atk Mandibuzz Foul Play vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Azumarill: 57-67 (16.6 - 19.5%) -- guaranteed 6HKO 232 Atk Mandibuzz Foul Play vs. 0 HP / 68 Def Landorus-Therian: 169-199 (52.9 - 62.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO 252 Atk Mandibuzz Foul Play vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Weavile: 104-123 (37 - 43.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO I attached examples with and with-out items showing that its calculating in the damage from the opposing Pokemon's items. This is from a mandibuzz with no items on Foul Play inflicts damage. It uses the target's Attack stat to calculate damage, as opposed to the user's Attack stat. The target's stat boosts (Abilities like Huge Power plus anything that changes the stat stage, such as Swords Dance or Growl) are incorporated into the damage calculations. Any remaining boosts (such as STAB, being burned, Abilities like Adaptability or Tinted Lens, and items like Choice Band or BlackGlasses) are calculated with the user of Foul Play's items, Abilities, and status. when it should only be calcing its own items, its calcing its own items + the enemys items meaning black glasses mandibuzz is hitting for over 80% on azumarill these are all tests after 1 foul play. Example of Mandibuzz doing Stab + Black glasses + enemy item + Enemy Ability ect, i did this just to point out the damage was wrong. the imgur link is just a collective of the screen shots + 1 additional https://imgur.com/a/JHPeJIQ
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