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  1. please invent a button to disable new mount animations. they are very fast and stressful especially in areas with many players... please invent, i waste so much pvp coins on mounts that look goofy now... pls option
  2. Hello everyone my suggestion is create shiny-forms pvp ranked with top 25 players gifts like normal , because already exist so many shinies and forms pokes. thanks!
  3. Hello, In my opinion there should be atleast a general way to change nature for your normal pokemons too (not talking about some tournament reward). Cause many times I see people catch 25+ iv almostly godly pokemons but the sync fails and its totally a waste. I myself have caught so many 20+ which is just useless cuz of wrong nature. U can make the price relatively high for this type of reroll from the nature reroll for legendaries , so that people would only buy it if its really worth it to change. Hopping that staff may consider this. Thank you
  4. Like prestige mount cost 10m+ in trade and 2500 PvP coins it is very hard for a normal player to buy them the normal 500 one will be easier and cheaper so it will be nice
  5. Dear Staffs, Please Make Mega Stones Tradable. Coz If we have an alternative account, we have to do all the mega stones quest again n for some mega quests we have to catch fresh pokemons again. If u cannot make it tradable between different players then make it available for trading within one player's own second/third account. Hope u will look into my suggestion.Thank u
  6. lemme suggest to giving hidden power to around nature and ability when click on pokemon on top left so it can make less-spamming on chat just to see their hidden power on below nature
  7. Back with the old char mount model pls
  8. You made a wonderful job with eevee and eevolutions. Perhaps the most beautiful collection of all. it is unthinkable to find 9 eevee, which I remember is a former tier 9. I would suggest decreasing its rarity in view of the event, as already happened with buneary or shroomish. Regards
  9. this would not be an imposable task to implement would it
  10. Hello, I would like to request you to implement this system which is used on showdown in PvP, as shown in the image, it will be helpful for the players to check the pps left of the moves of opponent's pokemon as well. With this we can see the pps left on the move easily, without scolling too much in battle log, especially in the stall games. Also, if a player doesnt have his/her moves pp'd up then it should display like (for eg, 16/16 - Maximum). It will also display the possible abilities, so it would be more easy for the players to recognize it, especially for new players. It will enhance the experience for the players, and also players wont get frustrated scrolling too much in a long game. I am pretty sure most of the players in the game need this system in PRO. Thank You.
  11. I would suggest that stat boosts and negatives are displayed somewhere in the battle screen as +1, +2, -1, -2 etc. Like DDance gives you attack and speed. Then it would show SPD +1 and ATT +1 in small text somewhere around your/enemy pokemon/healthbar.
  12. Idea for an achievement prize similar to guild island and shadow area. Staff are free to decide which ranking system would fit this the most (can even be accessible via mysterious ticket or another money sink) The idea is to have a special map where all boss NPCs are gathered to accelerate boss runs instead of having to run all around regions to find them. This doesn't affect boss limit or requirements. You can still fight each boss only once and only if you've already cleared the requirement for that boss (e.g. Saphirr with Heatran quest) This would serve as a huge incentive towards whatever this feature will be a prize for and will also allow for future updates with gym leaders and e4 since re-battling them now is very underwhelming in late game. This is my opinion on how this can be best implemented without affecting the game's balance: Option 1: The boss room can become an MS exclusive feature which will add to the value of MS Medallions, or can be its own coin shop item(Boss Room Pass) to prevent inflation of coin capsule prices. (In my opinion, Memberships in games always come with a ton of power ups. Memebership could stand to use some more features. If it becomes its own item, it'll be accessible to everyone since anyone can buy coin capsules) Option 2: Boss room can be accessible for 1 month in exchange for 2 Mysterious tickets for an individual or 20 tickets for an entire guild. Since we get mostly only 1 WQ every month, it will serve as a good alternate Mysterious ticket sink, and will promote activity and diversity with guilds(PVP Guild/PVE Guild). (2 Mysterious tickets, not 1, as to rival the subway pass choice. Since players will still need to use the subway for fast travel, digs, dailies like Solaceon quest and to trade with other players that don't have access to certain areas. The multiplayer ticket submission is a nice feature that should have more options to empower interactions with other members in guilds.)
  13. Dear staff, When we first started playing this game, we often didn't think too much about the player's name, we just picked a random name to start the game, but when we spent thousands of hours in the game, we found out that the current player's name wasn't right and realized we needed to donate 500cc (nearly 2m, that much). Can't afford to change the name. Is it possible for us to get a free name change? This is my opinion, please take a look, if I can get this opportunity, I will be very happy and grateful
  14. Since the artist team is currently strong and motivated, wanted to ask if we could get some more character hairstyles around this time :3 Magic Mirror could use some updates Here are some examples for creativity fuel: (other players are welcome to add hairstyles they want to see added to the game in the comments as well)
  15. Ironlady


    Hello, I would like to propose giving players the opportunity to choose which OT appears in the Pokemon they catch with accounts all linked to the same person. I speak for myself, I only use one full account, with which I capture the legendaries and occasionally fight. The others are for selling/various collections etc. etc. so when I catch pokemon with these secondary accounts I would like them to bear the name of the main account, since it is always mine anyway. I don't know if it's simple, talking about the code, I don't even know if it's possible to "fix" pokemon that have already been caught, but I'd like to have this chance in the future. Thanks for the attention
  16. IG it would be better if everyone could change the form of kyurem not only those who caught it in 2019
  17. Ah... Auctions... This proposal advocates for the introduction of a bid retraction rule, allowing trainers to rectify unintentional bidding errors within a 5-minute timeframe after posting. Arguments in Favor of Bid Retraction Rule: Human Error Mitigation: Trainers may inadvertently place a bid due to a misclick, misunderstanding of the auction terms, or other human errors. A bid retraction rule provides a reasonable timeframe for individuals to rectify such mistakes. Enhanced Fairness: Mistaken bids can lead to unfair outcomes, affecting both buyers and sellers. Allowing a brief window for bid retractions promotes fairness by preventing unintended consequences and fostering a more level playing field for all participants. Encourages Active Participation: Knowing that there is a safety net for unintentional errors, trainers may feel more confident and encouraged to actively participate in auctions. This can lead to increased engagement and a more dynamic marketplace. Reduced Disputes: Implementing a bid retraction rule can help reduce disputes between trainers and auction organizers. Trainers who realize their mistake promptly can retract their bid, minimizing conflicts and creating a more harmonious trading environment. Aligns with Industry Standards: Many reputable auction platforms and online marketplaces across various industries have recognized the need for bid retractions within a short timeframe. Adopting a similar approach in Pokémon auction forums aligns with best practices observed in other trading communities. Implementation Details: Timeframe: The bid retraction rule will be limited to 5 minutes after the initial bid is posted. This timeframe strikes a balance between providing an opportunity for correction and preventing abuse of the system. Forum Rule: The bid retraction rule should be formally integrated into the forum rules. This ensures that all participants are aware of the guideline and can utilize it when necessary. --- The introduction of a bid retraction rule in Pokémon auction forums is a progressive step towards creating a more equitable and enjoyable trading experience. By acknowledging and addressing the potential for human error, this proposal aims to foster a community where trainers can actively participate without fear of unintended consequences. The implementation of this rule not only aligns with industry standards but also demonstrates a commitment to fairness and transparency within the Pokémon auction ecosystem. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope you find this idea good. Thanks again, Flamme1230 "Fardust"
  18. Hello! I have a great idea,which is the ""leader"" role now this is how it would work their would be a section forum leader of some sort for example Guide leader that guide leader would pick their sub forum mods that would mod guides which would be decided by that counsel (or management +) or/and An ""Art leader" their job would be making sure there part of their sub forum is rules not being broken and choosing artist for their category Thanks,welxhz
  19. XPMAX Battle Academy: Fast Leveling Introduction There comes a phase in adulthood where we no longer have as much available time to spend hours leveling up Pokémon, especially when the End-Game is based on PvP. In an MMORPG world where we've already spent a lot of time hunting for good Pokémon, providing a faster way to increase levels can be beneficial for the community. Introducción Llega un momento en la vida adulta en el que ya no tenemos tanto tiempo disponible para pasar horas subiendo de nivel a Pokémon, especialmente cuando el final del juego se basa en el PvP. En un mundo MMORPG donde ya hemos invertido mucho tiempo cazando Pokémon buenos, ofrecer una forma más rápida de aumentar los niveles puede ser beneficioso para la comunidad. Introdução Chega uma fase na vida adulta que não temos mais tanto tempo disponível para ficar horas upando Pokémon, ainda mais que o End-Game se baseia em PVP. Em um mundo MMORPG onde já gastamos muito tempo caçando Pokémon bons, proporcionar uma maneira mais rápida de aumentar os níveis pode ser benéfico para a comunidade. XPMAX Battle Academy: Fast Leveling XPMAX Battle Academy: Fast Leveling
  20. Greetings, We need a buff or a bug fix because if I throw out Magnezone magnet pull a ferrothorn should not be able to hard switch same time I throw mine out. That defeats the purpose of magnet pull. I'd say the same thing for uturn mega Scizor it doesn't get countered if it can jus uturn out. Mega scizor should either be slower or it shouldn't be ale to pull out. That's not how it works that doesn't make sense if my ability is MAGNET PULL!
  21. Good afternoon, dear staff members, I would like to communicate an idea or I don't know if you already had it in mind. The idea is that when a pokemon is captured and goes to the cp it is deleted for free since I noticed that to delete the pokemon you have to pay a certain amount of money so I think that more memberships will be consumed by the people who also farm not just for going go for a pokemon with membership.This is a problem for me since I don't like cleaning the PC a lot. I hope you read and analyze this idea. Thank you very much.
  22. Would like to see some search filters added to the box system until the rework happens. Filters such as level 100, shiny, event form, and region.
  23. as the title suggest i wanted to suggest a shiny and form button in pc , because its too hard to find shinies and forms among 1000 pokemons and there are many that we forget about but if there will be a button for it in pc then we can see all of them . please tell me if you like the idea : )
  24. I'm not sure if this has been suggested before but the idea for this is to introduce a "single IV reroll". I was thinking this could be a single, one-off reward/use. Potentially during an event when you complete tasks / quests that would reward an IV rr, you could have the option to choose a single iv reroll. We've all gotten that painful reroll on a legendary before, so this idea popped in my head. EDIT: want to make sure my idea is clear. A single iv RR would be used to reroll one single chosen stat while leaving the others as is, similar to a nature reroll but for a stat and still random 1-31 chance.
  25. playing the game and enjoying it , only do miss one little thing , Arcues mount , the first one the god of pokemon . would be amazing if the non shiny or both would be in the game . looked on forums and all but coult not find it anywhere . well seems to be in the pvp but seen ppl complain about it and asking my self why ? i would like to have the mount ! now my question is hoe do i get it ? and not true some one overcharging payment , as im in johto just walking true the story . 1m of what ever i cant give out to . would be amazing to see it in the main store where you can buy it like all other mounts
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