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Black Out Money Loss Cap


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Hello Everyone,


So this suggestion deals with a noobier issue I have had recently. I only just learned about the joys of what blacking out does to your money and had no idea you lose a PERCENTAGE amount in a game that can deal with millions and every little bit matters. Just because of not knowing about one simple little mechanic around 500k has been lost which is a huge deal to me.


SUGGESTION: We need to seriously cap or address the amount of money lost from blacking out for a number of reasons. I believe that it seems unreasonable to lose more than 100k at any given point to blacking out. This can be implemented on a hard roof limit or an in game item that acts like a get out of jail free card. There are plenty of ways to implement this for a healthy MMO gaming experience.




  • You cannot accidentally lose massive amounts of cash for an honest mistake that you may not even know exists until it hits hard


Noob as it is to admit, I did not have the slightest clue this feature existed because I never really had a lot of money whenever I have blacked out so I never would notice the slight change it caused. For a feature like this it would probably be very helpful to make sure there is a ingame message or SOMETHING when you black out so it teaches players early on that the more money you have, the more you lose.


  • You still keep that MMO "death penalty" that should exist in the game and even losing 100k stings quite a bit when you have the money to lose that much


This suggestion I have learned was rejected in the past for removing the feature altogether, which makes perfect sense, an MMO SHOULD have a "death penalty" but a ton of MMO's also have death penalties that can be reduced or nullified if you deal with some annoying task like coming back to your dead body so you do not have a debuff timer on your stats and such. Similarly, if we are going to keep an uncapped penalty, it really feels punishing to not be able to reduce it in any way like having a get out of jail free card item of sorts that you lose should this accident happen.


  • It makes the log out to avoid blacking out more of a game exploit and less of a feature that just one day needs addressing


If you are reading the suggestion thread without knowing yet about this, congrats you are a very rare individual. To explain for the few that might not know when reading this, you can log out during a battle encounter which acts like a free escape rope to a Pokemon Center. Until a learned about blacking out, this seemed like a harmless feature that is hard to address but is not terribly important to deal with since it just acts like an unique mechanic for the more hardcore players who learn to use it. However, now learning about this exploit completely changes my perspective on this as a total EXPLOIT of the game. If this feature exists to avoid a "death penalty" already, why does the penalty exist at all in the first place? Why do we punish our newer players who already have bad retention rates to stick it out in this game with yet another problem that older players avoid through exploit.





  • The rich get richer, while the poor are still hit like normal by this


It is true that one of my earlier points about newer players getting punished the worst by this penalty would still be hit the same with the suggested change while the rich benefit from it. Seems hypocritical I agree, but that is because newer players who stick it out can honestly come to appreciate the comedy in how trivial it was to lose 5k from blacking out which means nothing at the end of the day. The penalty may hurt at the time but looking back on losing maybe 30k as a whole from all the black outs as a noob is just a funny afterthought in my opinion. Half a million by comparison is a third of what I paid for one of the best Diggersby's on the silver server, THAT is a big deal! I feel like it is fine to have a game with a high skill floor if the skill gap for a veteran and a noob is not the difference between knowing a log out exploit or not.


  • Makes the game "easier" than it already is


I know I personally meme a lot about how dumb boss AI is and how easy it makes the game, but that is because coding AI is hard. I have a serious beef though with the shortcuts we take to get around this but that is a rant for another day. The TLDR on this topic is to look at the AI for Hearthstone as a perfect way to segway into this bulletpoint. Everyone who plays that game knows how absolutely stupid the AI's thinking is and the devs answer to this is to just make ridiculous AI only cards and buffs to what they use rather than make the AI smarter, I get that it is way above their pay scale and time and similar to PRO it has a similar problem that makes the game "easy" on the PVE side. The question comes up then, if the game is already easy, why make it easier then? I honestly agree totally with this argument and concede on that one. My one comment if that is our sticking point is "WHY CAN WE LOG OUT EXPLOIT THEN?" make the game harder fine I will not cry over it like a ton of others will, but level the playing field and make it a black out for logging out in a battle. That comment will get a ton of hate I bet but who can reasonably argue favorably for what is essentially cheating the game.


  • Removes a type of money sink from the game which is important for MMO's


MMO's need money sinks. It's a fact and without it, money can balloon from a single change like this.... is what I would say if we could not already log out and avoid the money sink in the first place. C'mon guys you make it too easy to swat these down.....



SUMMARY: I just want to see more balance brought to the game from this, it sucks I lost money over it but I now learned my lesson. You will not see me making this dumb mistake again so fine do not change it, unless I am not paying attention I will not be affected again by this silly mechanic. I openly watch all my threads so I have no problem discussing what I missed or did not completely think about below because I am sure I missed something considering I am typing this out as a form of venting my frustration over losing around half a million to stupidity and ignorance.

Edited by McSchitter
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  • 3 weeks later...

I will cut it short and sweet, no. You should always be prepared for every fight and as you already said logging out is an option.


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