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Let us catch all 3 of each trio!


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Same old same old. Deflect the fact that y’all complete ignore the community and follow it up with “this is something that is in the works but we can’t give you any deets soon™“. Respect to Thor though, at least he has the cohones to actually post on his staff account what his opinions are instead of trying to deceive the community by posting from his player account.


On topic, when was the last time you saw more than one of any trio on a team? Zapdos, Articuno and Moltres can’t fit on a team together. Entei, Raikou and Suicune are the only possible ones that would work decent together but they wouldn’t do anything for the team another Pokémon couldn’t fill. Regi’s aren’t even good enough to play on their own let enough on the same team. Latios and Latias really shouldn’t be play together that’s just poor team building. Azelf, Mespirit, Uxie are relatively good/decent on their own but put them on the same team and see what happens.


Players already spend thousands of hours on the game and most find that their syncs failed on their legends. They don’t spend pvp coins reroll in game the nature because it’s too expensive for a 1/25 chance and, as you suggested before, they don’t just grind up hours to try and sync ANOTHER of the legendary that they ACTUALLY want much less grind up an extra account for the extra part of the trio. All these players are asking for is a little bit of flexibility in their team building and IMHO sticking around this long they deserve it.

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grind up an extra account

Let's not pretend this was in anyway a decent, thorough argument. The statement by Jilano was plain and simply wrong no matter how you twist it.


Same old same old. Deflect the fact that y’all complete ignore the community and follow it up with “this is something that is in the works but we can’t give you any deets soon™“. Respect to Thor though, at least he has the cohones to actually post on his staff account what his opinions are instead of trying to deceive the community by posting from his player account.

I 100% agree with you there, the fact that it was stated that this suggestion is "just 2 days old" is utterly absurd and not true, how often was it suggested to let us catch the full trio instead of just one.


This topic will be buried, spammed with bumps and ultimately only discussed internally within the staffteam who don't necessarily are fully the best in making the right decisions for end-game user needs. It requires quite some experience and game knowledge to make the best decisions for end-game user needs and given the responses given here by staff this clearly lacks.

The suggestion to make a new account if we want another legendary of a Trio shows that perfectly.


We can't predict the future nor do we know what the "mysterious tickets" stand for but with that much community effort on a suggestion we deserve at least a reasonable explanation on why this isn't a thing or if it will be a thing. Suggestions usually don't tend to get that many +1's

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Since this thread is no longer serving it's purpose, I will lock the post.


We will discuss the suggestion internally and take it into consideration. Thanks for taking the time to make a suggestion, and thanks to those who contributed with valuable feedback twords the topic instead of just bashing. Legitimate feedback helps us determine and meet the community's needs better, so it is always appreciated. Whereas toxicity and calling people out honestly is useless, and gets us nowhere other than having to take action and just distracts from the main point of the post. It might seem like we aren't listening or doing anything from the outside, but such is not the case. Sometimes also we are waiting for things before we can take action on something or implement things as well. Please also keep in mind, that we have future projects and future plans for things that are currently in the pipeline that aren't revealed yet.


On the last note:

If we didn't listen to our community, things like team preview, as well as other features we add for example when people request certain moves to the pre-evo tutors, honey seller, etc and the sorts. Hence we ask opinions and have polls from time to time that serve the purpose of assisting us in gathering community feedback and gauging community interest. If we truly didn't listen to the community or care, we would not waste our time with polls or asking what people think of certain things.


That being said, hope you folks have a nice evening.

Until we meet again.

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