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102287 Besides the visual bug, if drizzle and swift swim on the same team is not allowed, why is drought + chlorophyl and sandstorm + sand rush allowed? people were qqing about rain teams only because it beat the other weather teams. Without rain to stop the other two weathers theres an obvious inbalance...


Do they get boosted speed and boosted typing when used? no. Hencewhy only Drizzle + Swiftswim are banned.


Chappy clarified for me, rain + swift swim is banned together because water poke with swift swim get the bonus speed as well as the dmg boost. As far as i know there are no fire types that get speed boost in sun or the same in sand.

mLcUOgl - Imgur.png

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102287 Besides the visual bug, if drizzle and swift swim on the same team is not allowed, why is drought + chlorophyl and sandstorm + sand rush allowed? people were qqing about rain teams only because it beat the other weather teams. Without rain to stop the other two weathers theres an obvious inbalance...


Do they get boosted speed and boosted typing when used? no. Hencewhy only Drizzle + Swiftswim are banned.






SUN, RAISES FIRE TYPE MOVE DMG BY 50%. you are in charge of a pvp tournament and ignorantly reply without knowing something so basic and something that is so heavily discussed atm as well. that too in an arrogant and defensive tone. Thats just sun. Thats not even speaking about the other many bonuses it gives to other moves and abilities.


Lets talk about sand. Why should a weather be banned only because it raises power? what about defenses? and yes, sand rush doubles speed in sandstorm -_-




again in mot even mentioning the many other effects that these weathers cause. Either read up on what you're talking about or dont talk about it. sheesh.



wanna try to answer what Singham means.


Different with the other weather team, rain team is too OP because rain weather will increase +50% extra attack bonus for water move and don't forget the stab and speed from the swim swift ability too.

Here the easy way to make it easy to understand:

[glow=red]Rain team[/glow] = Stab from Water Poke itself 50% + Weather Bonus to Water power 50% + speed from swim swift

[glow=red]Sun team[/glow]= Stab from Fire Poke itself 50% + Weather Bonus to Fire move power 50% OR speed from Chlorophyl (not from fire poke, usually just for grass pokes, which makes for a more diverse team)

[glow=red]Sand team[/glow]= Stab from Ground Poke itself 50% + Weather Bonus to Rock type 50% spdeff + speed from sand rush OR + attack for sand force for steel/ ground/ rock type move 50% OR + evasion from sand veil (not worked yet i believe)


So that the clear separation, with that speed + stab + bonus weather from rain can OHKO-ed all opposite pokes, since we dont have a complete item/ ability/ pokes too in this game.

Also, in showdown/smogon tier gen 5, rain team is banned too because its just too OP, here the link that shows rain team is banned: https://www.smogon.com/bw/banlist/

And hopefully, because of this, PvP Official Tourney will be have more variation of pokemon, not just a rain team pokes. :Angel:


• ● ⬤ Proud Family of Chronos! ⬤ ● •

[glow=blue]signature credit to Mieon, check it here[/glow]

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102361 :Proud: its up to you how to counter those kinds of abilities ,

dont just say lets ban this ! lets ban that ! :Cry:

just because its against your team,

annnnnndddddd its too late :Smile:

I am talking about the visual bug caused by weather teams that impacts how the battles run.

So I received word that only Shane can touch the visual bugs

If the visual bug dont get fixed by the start of the tourney, will we just let it affect the battles? :|


[glow=red]SkyHorizon's Guild Thread[/glow]:


[glow=red]SkyHorizon's Trade Center[/glow]: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=11984

[glow=red]SkyHorizon's Daycare Center[/glow]: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=17049

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102361 :Proud: its up to you how to counter those kinds of abilities ,

dont just say lets ban this ! lets ban that ! :Cry:

just because its against your team,

annnnnndddddd its too late :Smile:

I am talking about the visual bug caused by weather teams that impacts how the battles run.

So I received word that only Shane can touch the visual bugs

If the visual bug dont get fixed by the start of the tourney, will we just let it affect the battles? :|


I agree with Suhu, the weather visual bug can be very annoying, especially when a lot of wheather inducers are switched into each others in rapid succession. Not even mentioning the fact that i could play a flash fire ninetails and people wouldnt even know if it had drought or not...

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102361 :Proud: its up to you how to counter those kinds of abilities ,

dont just say lets ban this ! lets ban that ! :Cry:

just because its against your team,

annnnnndddddd its too late :Smile:

I am talking about the visual bug caused by weather teams that impacts how the battles run.

So I received word that only Shane can touch the visual bugs

If the visual bug dont get fixed by the start of the tourney, will we just let it affect the battles? :|


I agree with Suhu, the weather visual bug can be very annoying, especially when a lot of wheather inducers are switched into each others in rapid succession. Not even mentioning the fact that i could play a flash fire ninetails and people wouldnt even know if it had drought or not...


I'll talk to other staff about this and decide in the end.

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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