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Guild Island should be made more accessible.


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What about give a fixed and no limited way for guilds to reach guild island. Like each month, guilds with at least 5000pts in guildladder can acces guildisland. So everyone can do it without been block by others. Futhermore, more accesible island = more guild who will try to do it and so more people in pvp. Better than have 3 guild who will trust fitrst place by erasing others ( notably fusion problem) , what is sicky for future.

needs its own thread, Really good idea, still makes lots of people PvP, open island up more to any group willing to put effort in.

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What about give a fixed and no limited way for guilds to reach guild island. Like each month, guilds with at least 5000pts in guildladder can acces guildisland. So everyone can do it without been block by others. Futhermore, more accesible island = more guild who will try to do it and so more people in pvp. Better than have 3 guild who will trust fitrst place by erasing others ( notably fusion problem) , what is sicky for future.


I LOVE this idea ! To make some kind of reward for top 3. Maybe something like, guild island colors theme can be designed to the top 1 guild, and each top 3 guild can be given a special building with their emblem where they can pvp.

Edited by GDarch

For a game without any form of toxicity.


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What about give a fixed and no limited way for guilds to reach guild island. Like each month, guilds with at least 5000pts in guildladder can acces guildisland. So everyone can do it without been block by others. Futhermore, more accesible island = more guild who will try to do it and so more people in pvp. Better than have 3 guild who will trust fitrst place by erasing others ( notably fusion problem) , what is sicky for future.


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What about give a fixed and no limited way for guilds to reach guild island. Like each month, guilds with at least 5000pts in guildladder can acces guildisland. So everyone can do it without been block by others. Futhermore, more accesible island = more guild who will try to do it and so more people in pvp. Better than have 3 guild who will trust fitrst place by erasing others ( notably fusion problem) , what is sicky for future.

Something similar would probably be the best sollution, but generally I don't mind. In my opinion, with the things the guild island provides, it wasn't made any "broken' and therefore it doesn't provide any leverage over other guilds who don't have the access to it.

Okay, so this reply is gonna be a bit heavy to take in. But it focuses on some of the most important things we should begin to think about.

Sorry in advance if you feel like I've hit a nerve or two. But if you cannot take a minor offense, then you should stop reading right now.


To first clear up in one thing:

Paying to get access to the exclusive island would not make things any easier btw. It would only escalate the issue even further.

As smaller guilds on the ladder would still lose players, even if it's limited to top 10 on the ladder, regardless of the small player base as mentioned above.


I honestly think that the guild exclusive island is kind of a facepalm situation. A bad idea that escaped and caused mayhem.

Like, where is an exclusive island for those who focus on fighting bosses and doing other PvE events? Why is PvP the only thing that matters?


[spoiler=In my opinion]Its the worst thing I've seen being added to PRO by far. Tutor Heaven was a good addition as it didn't give anyone any more advantages. Besides TM tutors.

But a guild island with a PvE boss that changes and wild spawns on top of all that? And a very detailed map design? That's not how it should work at all.



Pokemon has never just been about PvP to begin with. In the early days of Pokemon, the only thing you did was PvE. Only the newer Gens introduced PvP and made it popular.

But that doesn't mean you can entirely disband the concept of Guilds focusing more on PvE instead, whereas you can only focus on PvP to be rewarded.

That's not how it should work at all. The entire guild system is kind of a facepalm situation if you look at it from a non-guild member's perspective.


As stated above on the OP, it has caused a lot of issues, compared to solving any, if any at all?

People leaving guilds to get into a stronger guild? Possibly stronger guilds kicking players to get more powerful PvP players to secure top 3?

It has / will cause future guilds to disband / possibly scramble for powerful PvP players, and is that the development PRO really needs?


Where is the fun in being in a guild then, if you cannot get rewarded for your hard work? Unless you PvP your entire guild to top 3?

Do guilds really have to host giveaways, lend pokes or give out in-game items to survive from their own pockets?

While people in PvP Guilds don't really need to do all that, because PRO essentially rewards that guild exclusively?


But what should a guild be like then?



I know my post is probably gonna be looked down at with evil murderous eyes from those top 3 guild players.

Because they believe they've deserved it. But be real. Do you really think so? Well, I'll let you dwell on this while reading my point below.

And then you can ask yourself again, if you really deserve the reward, compared to the counterpart guilds.


Well while you're dwelling on the question above, let me tell you one thing.

The amount of time you've grinded for a high PvP rank, a few 1000+ players in guilds have used the same amount of time on helping guild members fight PvE / Bosses.

And yet you should be rewarded with something exclusive for your guild? And not the guild who help players out with PvE?


I just can't see how that is any fair at all for the counterpart guilds, who don't focus on PvP.

Or guilds that don't own the top PvP players on the ladder and can't at all even the odds.

Now, ask yourself, do you still deserve the reward? If yes, you don't see the bigger picture.

If someone's being narrow minded and not seeing the bigger picture, it's mainly the PvErs. You people get PvE related events on a regular, weekly basis, while the PvPers literally have to wait for months in order to just satisfy themselves with a minor PvP update. Yet this doesn't prevent you (many PvErs) to continue on whinning whenever PvPers get something good/exclusive, although it's completely obvious who in reality is actually being neglected

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I'm going to be completely honest. This idea won't work due to the fact that the guild island will not be exclusive anymore. Guild island is for those who have contributed their hard work (lucky rng/dc's/etc.) By including the fee of 1 mil+ as the list goes down, this makes the island non exclusive as you can see. Yea the top guild can get in for free but still obtaining money to get into the island knowing you wouldn't make #1 before the season ends would in my opinion be fairly easy and wrong. So to conclude this argument, no i don't think this particular idea is a great one. However an alternative way to get guild island access might be nice. Also for the spawns that appear on guild island are obtainable more than just the guild island itself. You can access the spawns other ways like sites/dig/outbreaks etc. as far as we see. Now spawns that have not been implemented to the public yet, that would be a different story.

Edited by Vegit0
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Something similar would probably be the best sollution, but generally I don't mind. In my opinion, with the things the guild island provides, it wasn't made any "broken' and therefore it doesn't provide any leverage over other guilds who don't have the access to it.


If someone's being narrow-minded and not seeing the bigger picture, it's mainly the PvErs. You people get PvE related events on a regular, weekly basis, while the PvPers literally have to wait for months in order to just satisfy themselves with a minor PvP update. Yet this doesn't prevent you (many PvErs) to continue on whinning whenever PvPers get something good/exclusive, although it's completely obvious who in reality is actually being neglected


I'm sorry to tell you that I'm neither a "PvE'er" or a "PvP'er", so you can't really categorize me in any of them.

It should be a bigger eye-opener when someone from outside the main two groups of PRO, who also isn't part of any Guild*, is addressing the issues they spot.

*Not part of any public guild. I guess my own small guild isn't really something to count in here so.


If I was part of any of the two main groups, my standpoint would be one-sided and narrow-minded.

But since I am neutral to both sides, but still are referring to the problems at hand, I guess you can't say I'm "narrow-minded", as what you refer every "PvEer" to be like.


The main problem is the Guild System as addressed in this reply. Whether the PvP player base is waiting years for an update or not, is another case that should be brought up.

I refer to the Guild system's progression, where nothing is actually happening with it. Then suddenly the guild system gets an update, but only PvP'ers can enjoy it.


Okay, time to break down your reply.

[...] You people get PvE related events on a regular, weekly basis, while the PvPers literally have to wait for months in order to just satisfy themselves with a minor PvP update.

Okay, so as I've stated above, that's an entirely different case to be bought up.

And I support the thought that more PvP content should be released, I've got nothing to say against the little development that has happened with the PvP front.

But as I can see, more Legendaries/Mythical Pokemon seems to make its way to PvP to balance out the Meta, so it kind of gets small updates on a regular basis too.

So it's not entirely excluded from getting minor updates every now and then, but the difference is huge between PvP and PvE updates, that's true.


Yet this doesn't prevent you (many PvErs) to continue on whinning whenever PvPers get something good/exclusive, although it's completely obvious who in reality is actually being neglected

I can't really recall ever whining about anything, I just addressed the issue, as an outsider, who actually has a bigger view of the entire situation.

The content team is not exactly adding things in the right order, IMO.


Before any Guild Exclusive Island should be released, a much better Guild System should have been in place.

And a lot more should have gone into the thoughts of creating a PvP Exclusive Guild Island because that's essentially what it is and should have been called.

As I've also stated in this reply, I rather want content everyone can enjoy, then just a small portion of the player base.

As for PvE related content, the PvPers can still take part in this without having any particular skills, unlike the other way around.

Edited by Electrocute4u
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And why making so exclusive is a good idea ? Need more development. Thats just oblige people to move in other guild to get that exclusivity. 5000pts isnt that easy to get and if some group have to tryhard themselves to reach that score, will be a nice part, like a globalquest everyone can try. Like suggested after we can also make a little extra for top3.

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Personally, I really like the main point of this, which is making guild island more accessible. But some may not even pay and get access, while others will have to do the paying part. So this is kinda unfair here. But the concept itself is nice.




What about give a fixed and no limited way for guilds to reach guild island. Like each month, guilds with at least 5000pts in guildladder can acces guildisland. So everyone can do it without been block by others. Futhermore, more accesible island = more guild who will try to do it and so more people in pvp. Better than have 3 guild who will trust fitrst place by erasing others ( notably fusion problem) , what is sicky for future.


This idea sounds better. This will encourage many members to PvP. Like another thing could be added that members entering the island need at least 50 ratings or something.

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I'm sorry to tell you that I'm neither a "PvE'er" or a "PvP'er", so you can't really categorize me in any of them.

It should be a bigger eye-opener when someone from outside the main two groups of PRO, who also isn't part of any Guild*, is addressing the issues they spot.

*Not part of any public guild. I guess my own small guild isn't really something to count in here so as a guild so.


If I was part of any of the two main groups, my standpoint would be one-sided and narrow-minded.

But since I am neutral to both sides, but still are referring to the problems at hand, I guess you can't say I'm "narrow-minded", as what you refer every "PvEer" to be like.


The main problem is the Guild System as addressed in this reply. Whether the PvP player base is waiting years for an update or not, is another case that should be brought up.

I refer to the Guild system's progression, where nothing is actually happening with it. Then suddenly the guild system gets an update, but only PvP'ers can enjoy it.


Okay, time to break down your reply.


Okay, so as I've stated above, that's an entirely different case to be bought up.

And I support the thought that more PvP content should be released, I've got nothing to say against the little development that has happened with the PvP front.

But as I can see, more Legendaries/Mythical Pokemon seems to make its way to PvP to balance out the Meta, so it kind of gets small updates on a regular basis too.

So it's not entirely excluded from getting minor updates every now and then, but the difference is huge between PvP and PvE updates, that's true.



I can't really recall ever whining about anything, I just addressed the issue, as an outsider, who actually has a bigger view of the entire situation.

The content team is not exactly adding things in the right order, IMO.


Before any Guild Exclusive Island should be released, a much better Guild System should have been in place.

And a lot more should have gone into the thoughts of creating a PvP Exclusive Guild Island because that's essentially what it is and should have been called.

As I've also stated in this reply, I rather want content everyone can enjoy, then just a small portion of the player base.

As for PvE related content, the PvPers can still take part in this without having any particular skills, unlike the other way around.

I wasn't referring to "every" specialized PvEr being narrow minded, then most (which can be seen in my post). I'm possibly even wrong with this one, as that's probably not even the case. Usually the minority is always the loudest on the internet (in this case, referring to the kind of people I had described) so I got a bit carried away. My apologies. Anyway I didn't speficially call you out for whinning, then the PvErs (hence why I mentioned them in the bracket). I'm not exclusively a PvPer either, as I also do PvE related stuff (mainly bosses). PvP is my main point of interest tho, so at times it becomes really frustrating to see how it despite being neglected, still gets trashed on by those who have nothing to do with it whatsover (not talking about you in this particular case). From reading your reply, I see you are a reasonable, polite guy that is definitely up for constructive criticism. We definitely need more of such people in this community. Am glad we're also on the same page about priorities and PvP related stuff. As such, I got nothing else to say. Cheers

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