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A Much Required Change Among Legendaries


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Hello Everyone, My name is Meet and i have been Thinking of a New Concept that PRO needs since long!


To begin with,I know that getting a legendary that has 20+ all stats, desired nature & Hidden power in case of Pokémon like Heatran is an extremely Rare scenario...In Most cases when a Player doesn't get any of the above, they rely on Rerolls to get them!


But Rerolls aren't Cheap, its Costs 600-700k for an iv Reroll and half of it for a nature one( which is none of a concern as we can choose the required nature now). But once again its rng based whether we get good ivs and hidden power or not! Which Most players doesn't get without spending a bunch of rerolls (expensive ofc) and gets demotivated as there favorite legendary or a Great pvp supporting poke is still not usable ( after spending millions in many cases as 2 rerolls easily cost 1.2+m)


I think PRO should implement a concept where every Player have a chance where they can Modify ivs of a single legendary Pokemon of their choice according to their wish ( Staff can do it for the Players)! It should be completely dependent on the Player that He/She wants to modifty ivs of a currently available legendary or wait until a new one is released.


By Doing these, A Player will at least be Satisfied with the fact that his/her favorite legendary is PvPable with Great ivs and Hidden Power


Here is a Video of my ownself where it can be seen that how much of a Pain iv rerolling to get a Desired Iv Set be:-

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I don't think this deserves a -1 based on the suggestion alone, as its an okay and interesting suggestion.

But I do think that there are ways to improve this suggestion, so it doesn't go over into the area of "making the game easier".


And for the money issue, if you know how to grind money. Then making 1 mill is easily done in a single day worth of grinding.


So, here are 2 examples that can be utilized to prevent it from being "easier" to get the IVs you want.


Example 1:

Having a different tier of the Reroll Ticket. Obviously obtaining one will be very difficult, to make it worthwhile.

What I mean by "different tier of the Reroll Ticket", I mean a new Ticket which allows for modifying a single IV stat (obviously the stat will be randomized)

And the currently existing Reroll Ticket will remain as is, as it still has a strong purpose. While it also will be difficult to obtain the other version of the Reroll Ticket.


Example 2:

When you have a Reroll Ticket, you can get the option of paying $X (where X represents a set value)

Which can allow you to modify a single IV of your choice, but for a very high price.

This will eliminate the concept of having to obtain a new version of the Reroll Ticket, as suggested in example 1.


I noticed the two comments above with -1. And I do want to say that I don't particularly disagree with that.

But I'm sure if the OP took some inspiration from my given examples, it might be a suitable suggestion.

Edited by Electrocute4u
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I agree that maybe something can change in the way we deal with legendaries and their IVs but inherently this process is suppose to be expensive and any MMO is suppose to have economy sinks whether is just pure money destroyed in the case of train pass or pvp coin drains for rerolls etc.


I would want to see items (and have advocated for a while) that can reroll single IV stats or similar ideas that add variety so the rng is more controlled by player decisions rather than do something like this where we just try to cut corners around the issue at hand. Especially since this is an MMO and I feel like certain bosses could have these on a rare drop table.

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I’ve already used a collective amount of almost a hundred rerolls in the game that i’ve obtained from exchanging pve / pvp coins and also that i’ve bought from other players . And i’ve accepted my fate , even though it didn’t worked out well rerolling for some of my legendaries , on both accounts .



So -1 cause it would be unfair to those that have already accepted their fate .

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-1 cause in this way will be very easy i understand the frustrating you and a lot of players may feel but this is just to overpowered maybe something like locking the ivs you want to remain same every time you doing reroll its okay i guess and give the opportunity to player's not spending tones of rerolls for a decent or epic one

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Just a Greek dude.

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I’ve already used a collective amount of almost a hundred rerolls in the game that i’ve obtained from exchanging pve / pvp coins and also that i’ve bought from other players . And i’ve accepted my fate , even though it didn’t worked out well rerolling for some of my legendaries , on both accounts .



So -1 cause it would be unfair to those that have already accepted their fate .


Not to sound rude, because that's not my intention, just to put that out there.

Just think of it as a friendly comment.


With that mindset, then you can't really do much with the game, in terms of new content that replaces old content and new updates.

You need to be open-minded about it, and not use your own past as an argument to counter the suggestion, that's not the right way, IMO.


I do agree that the OP's suggestion makes it much easier to gain the desired IVs and that it will be unfair for everyone else who has gone through a lot of rerolls.

That's exactly why I gave some examples in my reply to counter that issue, without straight up saying "no" to the suggestion.

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Too all those who are -1ing, i don't mind it but Pls Consider that i am suggesting these only for a single legendary of the Players Choice and not all of them! There are 10+ Legendary In-game, Atleast we deserve to have one of them to be actually PvPable ( Correct ivs and Hidden Power)

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