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Everything posted by Iammeetdp

  1. if I get offline in game pls dm me on discord now... The Rated_Kid
  2. +1 i realize its been a while since the topic was raised and nothings changed yet! Its sad there was no explanation on why the change cannot be reverted or what positive aspects were involved with the change in first place. Once again, can we pls get the changes to moves return and frustration reverted!? Thank you ^_^
  3. Player name:- iammeetdp Server:- Silver Timezone:- Gmt+7:30
  4. Hello Fellow Players! I just reached 1500 subs on my Pokemon revolution online based Youtube Channel and I am doing a giveaway to celebrate it. There are going to be three winners and each of them will be given include coin capsule, full set of choice items (scarf, band, specs) and a set of (assult vest, rocky helmet and life orb) each! I kept the rewards pvp based bcs I Love it Follow the link to participate:- https://youtu.be/hZdmdRUGc6M Very Good Luck to you all ^_^
  5. I made a similar post around 8-10 months ago! I had a different idea for the solution, which I no longer see relevant! But the issue was the very same. +1 The iv rerolling is very expensive, Some players argue that it's part of grind as its a MMO but with the amount of legendaries we have, it seems impossible. Hope these Post is brought into consideration.
  6. I would like to once again bring into light the Low base defenses and hp of greninja. These calcs is for poison type greninja:- 252+ Atk Guts Conkeldurr Drain Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Greninja: 147-173 (51.5 - 60.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Incase of shadow sneak! Again!! That's what's pvp about. Predicting! Its integral part of pvp and shouldn't be used as an excuse for the ban or even as a reason.
  7. When It comes to revenge killing There are numerous mons who can do it way better than Greninja, Mega lopunny for instance. The point where it says that Greninja can threaten most metagame even with a 4 moveslot syndrome is incorrect. Greninja can't pick Ohkos on traditional PRO walls even with super effective moves let alone that it can't even pressure em all bcs it will always lack something for something. It has access to spikes to pressure walls and that's a reason. But I don't find that a reason enough to cause its ban.
  8. Believe it or not! I just went through the full argument of Ninja ban! Did you realize how some where just making excuse of how 'unpredictable' ninja is. Tbh I didn't expect a council full of pvpers to say it lmao. PvP is about predicting. Why do you want to make pvp a kids game. If ninja is banned for that than ban every poke that can run a wide movepoll lol. Anyway, some said it has wide movepoll to cover everything. Bro, The 4 move syndrome duh! You unbanned Metagross for that, why not Greninja. Let's look over to other facts. Some argued that ninja can learn spikes which is bad since its offensive and can pressure most defoggers. That's again no reason to ban a mon for. They argued that it kills rotom/zapdos/tentacreul and other stuff that can get rid of hazard. What about the other way around? Greninja can't Ohko any of them even with super effective moves, in return if they just predict an incoming ninja and just volt swtich, sludge wave or use any attack at all, they kill it or almost kill it. I saw someone arguing to ban spikes with ninja if they think its broken with that. Now all way along the chat people where complaining about the Greninja spikes set, when the dude provided a solution, he was ignored lmao. Someone told its better to fully ban or not ban at all, that's it. Greninja has been a problem to the only team IK is Stall. The only thing I would consider to be broken about is setting up spikes against incoming walls. How is that a bad thing? Just play it out right, most defoggers (as said above) pressure ninja bcs of their typing and ninja won't swtich in to them! Defog than! Create situation to defog. That's what pvp is about! Playing smartly. Not about banning a mon bcs it can learn alot of different moves and you are lazy to scratch your head and think about which moves it might carry. One more thing to consider, They say that it's hard to learn what set greninja is and in process of learn your mon dies. If most of us answer these honestly, we know it's not possible 80% of times or more. Greninja even with protean and orb cant pick 0hkos on traditional walls in PRO (top 25 most used pokemon list) like Chansey (doesn't even do 50% with low kick and it can softboil back) Clefable ( Gunk shot isn't a Ohko, just switch when u see) Ferrothron (hp fire/low kick doesn't Ohko) easy leech seed back or swtich and many others. All these walls can easy click their heal moves since they are slower than ninja, heal off most of the dmg dealt and you already know the ninja set (from dmg dealt sp.atkr/atkr and most moves from the same). Thanks for Your Opinion and Links you provided.
  9. Again, if you want to spread toxicity here! DON'T just act smart with useless argumens. Hope you take these positively. Thanks
  10. Dude that's nuts, Nape gets 2 120bp stab moves with 100% accuracy , a priority and better hp and def than ninja. Again Infernape was just an example to cover the excuse of banning ninja bcs its "unpredictable" or has good coverage.
  11. Soo are those who are laddering going to decide for everyone else! I asked for a simple all player open voting! I feel like its scaring the council/whoever made the decision that its gonna revel how one sided their decision was when the results come out. Ik many players who can ladder, let me use my own self for example! I have laddered before, Ik I can now aswell If I provide enough time to PRO. But I simply can't now bcs of my college and other stuff. I play PRO as a way to get away from my regular lifestyle, to relax, to enjoy. But this useless bans are just messing it up. I hope you guys will take into consideration an all player voting for the Greninja ban. Thanks.
  12. Lol you are actually just proving out that this other pokes are more in win rate (broken definition for you)and still its lowkey ninja that gets banned. Thanks
  13. First of all I didn't knew that I can hold a free lance Voting on forums without permission or not soo I made the Petition, I m sure if there where to be a voting ( I already asked @Shinoharafor one, no response) than the majority will be for unbanning greninja. Secondly, all the pokes u mentioned above that greninja can kill are all 2hkos and they are all tanks! They can heal/swtich to a mon bcs they know what playstyle the ninja is ofc after that (reveled hp or move) Lastly, again I would say that not knowing what moves ninja carries create pressure on opponent is an excuse, not a reason to ban ninja. I can list 100 mons here who can carry unpredictable moveset!
  14. Nice of you to mention 5 moves whilist suggesting 4 lol Good Luck getting through Ferrothron, Mantine, Chansey and 100 other pokes with that ninja. Ohh wait!!! Ninja is going to set up spikes on them, BROKEN ASF. Infernape, Bisharp. etc etc some names who can do very same thing with other hazard. I really dont get the excuse of banning ninja bcs it can both learn spikes and pressure defogger. when I was providing reasons of how fragile ninja is even against the mons it should kill easily, people were telling me to swtich ninja out against them. Why dont you guys swtich out your defoggers against ninja than! is it too much of work??? Ninja wouldnt even risk switching in to traditional defogger like zapdos or rotom wash as there is always fear of volt swtich/discharge. Its a mon that is not broken , but is being proven broken!
  15. Thats excatly my point Mr. Oda I find it completely unfair to ban a mon just because its unpredictable. What do you want the pvp to be? a childs game ( I mean pokemon was made for kids soo maybe...) Predicting has been an intensive part of pvp and will always be, just taking away a mon bcs it can learn 14 different moves is unfair. It will always be limited by something due to its 4 move syndrome. Finding different players with different ninja sets sounded like a lazy excuse, what do you want , all the pokes to run their staple moveset soo you can always know whats coming? I respect you as a player and I am thankful you showed up here! Have a good day.
  16. Dude thats nuts, Why are you treating greninja as the only mon who can learn hidden power. Surely ninja hits more strongly with protean, but it cant pick up 0hkos yet anyway. Any special mon can do the very same as ninja can. An infernape (for example) with Close Combat, Hp Grass, Thunder punch and Flare blitz would do the very same thing, that is picking up 2hkos ( like ninja) on all those mons.
  17. Dayyum Thanks for understanding, Loved what you said! Many here don't have guts to admit it that it indeed is double sworded Its not as broken as they make it appear! Its only banned bcs it could handle Stall, I see no other reason. It couldn't even kill stall tbh, all what it could do was u turn and spike against it. Against balanced teams, Ninja is just like any regular sweeper from my perspective.
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