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Hello! I would like to suggest an extra (maybe even 2) accessory slot provided for each players. 3 accessory slot just isn't enough especially for the accessory that is used for Mask (eg: Sabito Mask), Caps or any kind of hats and food (eg: lollipop obtainable from the lunch mystery box) because each of those accessory take out the 1 accessory slot and there are so many accessories in the game that are available for the players to get but can't really wear them because if you wear the Sabito Mask you can't eat a Lollipop



As shown in the picture, if I wear the Glacea flower accessory I can't eat a Lollipop anymore and both of those accessory (Lollipop and Glacea Flower) appear differently when you wear/eat them, Glacea flower appear on your hair while the Lollipop appear on the position of the character's mouth so I don't get why i can't wear both of them if they appear in different position on the character. I used a lot of time and effort to draw this sketch on where the extra accessory slot can be implemented:



I just want to be eating my donut (add more DONUT accessories plz :PiplupCry:) and be wearing a hat while enjoying the bright sunny day in PRO.

Thank you.

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For most of the cosmetics, they're either head ones, or body ones, not many otherwise besides the back gear, which is separate anyways, I can see what you're getting at with this I just don't fully realize how it can be that useful, it would simply make it harder for the artists to design sprites to be smaller, in order to fit more stuff on the character. Stuff already like the various masks cover the entire face, and with the current positioning of the other cosmetics it wouldn't be able to fit well together.


Though one solution to that issue could be a cosmetic combiner of some sort, to where you could put two cosmetics together, like a face one like the lollipop, and a hat one like the gracidea flower that you mentioned, so that you would be able to wear both at the same time as their sprites don't collide on the NPC. Yet that would require someone to look through every single cosmetic item and see what would and wouldn't collide.

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Yeah, headgears generally should have been separated into three category : upper, mid, and lower.


Upper for headgears that cover only the top of the head, like flower crown, politoed hat, gracidea flower, or winter hat.

Middle for headgears that cover only the eyes or ears, like the angel/devil ears, or any kinds of glasses (do we have any glasses in PRO?).

Lower for headgears that cover only the mouth area, like the food items. Scarves can also go here, if any artist is thinking of making them.


The flower crown + rose on mouth combo can be made to take up both upper and lower slot. Similarly, a full helmet that cover the entire head like Iron Man Helmet or all types of hood for example, can be made to take up all three slots.

Edited by Starlight
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I kinda agree we could get more space and cosmetics (it would also motivate more to donate for new stuff). +1

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https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxydK7CUEwL47Ym7hIkMbSA <- Youtube channel with guides!

https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/13-game-guide/ <- Check my game guides (and other's guides) here!

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