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Mysterious ticket


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Hi everyone


This is now a while that world quest was released and allows us to obtain a mysterious ticket to get a legendary pokemon (50% chance)


but now we still have a lot of world quest but people are starting to have all legendaries and i would like to discuss about the future of world quest,


because we have no information about an another possible usage with mysterious ticket.



Which allows us to ask ourselves :



1) Will it be always worth it to do world quest ? to prepare the next legendaries? probably not for exemple the last legendaries thundurus, landorus and tornadus didn't need world quest to get them

and we have no information if next legendaries or trio will need the mysterious ticket



This is my case i already have all legendaries and few mysterious ticket in my bag





What i suggest :


1) Make Mysterious ticket tradable


2) Give another reward instead of mysterious ticket when you already have all legendaries avaible for exemple a reroll ticket (still in the theme of legendaries)


3) Make next legendaries (trio or not) available in world quest


4) Or maybe a next usage when mega will be release, like 1 mysterious ticket for 1 mega gem


5) At least change the current pokemon like volcarona, tyranitar, rotom , hydreigon, zoroark into pokemon that are unplayable without hidden ability this one is not realy a suggestion it should be like this in the first place but i think is not realy a sollution for people who already have all legendaries (still not worth it for them)




So what do u think about finding another usage for mysterious ticket?



best regards


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The Pinklax Shop



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Yeah, I think the WC should have only tier 8+ mons to hunt and a small percentage lowered for legendaries to spawn, the last WC we had for gold was really easy, got my first ticket from that one and I got Raikou. I can't really judge well because I've only done it once, but to get a legendary should feel like playing the lottery, it's VERY rare for someone who's played the lottery once to win.

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Yeah, I think the WC should have only tier 8+ mons to hunt and a small percentage lowered for legendaries to spawn, the last WC we had for gold was really easy, got my first ticket from that one and I got Raikou. I can't really judge well because I've only done it once, but to get a legendary should feel like playing the lottery, it's VERY rare for someone who's played the lottery once to win.

T7 pokemon was already hard specially if the poke don't have repel trick,so i don't get your point on making WQ

should only have T8+ mons

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One thread on this subforum also has a good idea: make it so that the non-legend on the island hold a valuable item, like IV Reroll Ticket for example.


That way people who already caught all the legends still has a reason to go there, and it's probably better for the economy too (since you still have to spend balls to catch the Pokemon) if staffs are really worried about it. (Although, WQ happens too randomly for the IV Reroll Ticket to greatly affect the economy, anyway)





Yeah, I think the WC should have only tier 8+ mons to hunt and a small percentage lowered for legendaries to spawn, the last WC we had for gold was really easy, got my first ticket from that one and I got Raikou. I can't really judge well because I've only done it once, but to get a legendary should feel like playing the lottery, it's VERY rare for someone who's played the lottery once to win.


It wasn't "really easy" at all.

1. You probably forgot or unaware you need to already finish the quest for the legend, since the intention of WQ is to get the one you didn't choose in the quest. This is especially daunting for the Lati twin, considering the requirement for their quest.

2. Not every WQ is easy. Your first WQ just happen to be easy (and you just happen to get a legend out of it). There were terrible WQ too before. Like no repel trick combined with high tier spawn, or the sole best spawn for the WQ target happens to be MS exclusive, meaning those without MS has to skip the WQ, which also result in less people doing the WQ.


Also, making it incredibly hard to get a legend out of WQ would kinda defeat the entire point. The decent chance to get the legend you didn't choose, is the sole reason people even do WQ. We really don't need WQ not getting completed because people lacked interest in it.

Edited by Starlight

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Neutral decision, my replies to your ideas are as follows:


-Do NOT make the ticket tradeable first off, you're basically selling a free legendary to most people

-Getting a reroll could be very useful, as it's not a legendary, but as you said, on the theme of it, and you can get it to assist in getting your legendary

-I believe most legendaries will be available in the World Quests, I don't know why the recent trio wasn't, but I feel like most in the future will be

-If/when megas get released I definitely think this would be a good way to get the stones, or maybe just fragments of the stones so you need to do a lot in order to get the mega stone

-I agree with this last part as there are pokemon that would just need it, though I think they chose these ones because they are rarer ones


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