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Please allow pvp mount trade


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Well, we got some cool new mount and cosmetics for both PvE and Coin Shop.

Sadly PvP cosmetics looks so boring right now, same clothes with just different colors.

and think a hundreds time before purchasing PvP mounts that can't be traded.

and recycling it for half price not really a big deal.


So, i would like to suggest same cases for PvP cosmetics/mount to be able for trade, at least its change monthly like tz clothes etc.


thank you

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-1 Exclusive pvp mounts can not only encourage players to play pvp for an exclusive pvp player mount, but also reward those who engage in ranked pvp.


making these items exchangeable loses one of several motivations for learning and playing pvp, because someone who has never played pvp in his life can simply accumulate enough money as a boss to buy from someone is to brag about it later.



my shop



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I wanna +1, 500 wins is a lot :( lol but prob no chance, and I get why.


Something I've been banging the table for is simply revamping the point system. Like in the pokemon tcg for example you get 10 coins for a win, and the loser gets 1 coin for each pokemon he knocked out (so obviously a max of 5). Of course the prices of the mounts would have to go up RELATIVE to this adjustment. I'm not saying 50 wins should get you a mount.


PVP in pro is tough, it's a hyper sweat fest. There should be some level of reward for putting up a good game. And it would encourage more people to play, if somebody ques up a few times and goes 0-6... they're not gonna que up for pvp anymore because they're getting absolutely NOTHING out of it, and they'll spend their time doing something more productive for themselves.


You want more people in pvp? The answer is easy, make it feel worth the more casual players time.

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id say -1, not for a reason you might suspect. A legendary pvp mount says something about a player, it says that player has the dedication to grind out pvp game after pvp game to save up 500. Shows his accomplishments, his dedication, his willpower to not buy rerolls or Cosmtics. Sure he could of just been bad at pvp and only get to about 100 rating per season, but it shows Character.


That all goes away the moment you make them trade able. Then it becomes "hey look at this Ho-Oh mount i got for 200k haha Ho-0h go vrrrrr"


Mounts will always be a way to express our own personality.


Also side note giving consolation prizes in pvp to losers was already suggested and was deemed a bad idea.

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-1 Exclusive pvp mounts can not only encourage players to play pvp for an exclusive pvp player mount, but also reward those who engage in ranked pvp.

making these items exchangeable loses one of several motivations for learning and playing pvp, because someone who has never played pvp in his life can simply accumulate enough money as a boss to buy from someone is to brag about it later.


Firstly, PvP coins holder will think hundreds time b4 purchasing a mount instead of rerolls that more needed in the market, i don't think they'll sell it for cheap cuz it's hard to get and buyer wont buy that unless they really want that mount. for reselling things, this isn't a good business as example both PvE or Coin Shop get the price cut. Furthermore, shiny salamence goes for 2-3m and people rarely buy it considering the price and it's PvE Which is more easy that PvP coins.


id say -1, not for a reason you might suspect. A legendary pvp mount says something about a player, it says that player has the dedication to grind out pvp game after pvp game to save up 500. Shows his accomplishments, his dedication, his willpower to not buy rerolls or Cosmtics. Sure he could of just been bad at pvp and only get to about 100 rating per season, but it shows Character.

That all goes away the moment you make them trade able. Then it becomes "hey look at this Ho-Oh mount i got for 200k haha Ho-0h go vrrrrr"

Mounts will always be a way to express our own personality.

Also side note giving consolation prizes in pvp to losers was already suggested and was deemed a bad idea.


I know what u mean, i got my lugia mount buy struggling PvP in a season. I'm not selling it for cheap. but i feel betrayed seeing PvE stuffs more attractive and i think it got more cool stuff than PvP.

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I know what u mean, i got my lugia mount buy struggling PvP in a season. I'm not selling it for cheap. but i feel betrayed seeing PvE stuffs more attractive and i think it got more cool stuff than PvP.


Thats not accurate, PvP have new content everytime while PvE players have almost 0 stuff to do, PvP shop is amazing while PvE shop is awful, you can complain by struggling in pvp, but remember that pve players need to do the same bosses on hard and win 3 times, to do that we need to use the same boring stall team to not being one shotted or sharpedo/wobbufet team. You know what this means? We need to choose between having fun or win the match, the whole PvE pro system is like this, we take a loong time to get one thing, doesnt matter how skilled you are, will take twice to thrice the time to get a single item and ah, in case of bosses, the prizes are random, pve coins are also harder and scarce.



Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars....THAN NERF THIS!

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